Thanks to all for the replies.
I am not familiar with working with fiberglass and was thinking that
aluminum might be easy to work with but after all of the replies, I
think I will stay with the plans. Jon may have a option for me with
the pre formed deck.
Now if I can get these two horses to help me out maybe I can be flying
to the next gathering. I KNOW Big hopes but a guy has to have a goal
to shoot for.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Pat and Robin Russo
<> wrote:
> Bob
> The metal bulk heads and outside cladding should work without a
> problem...using aluminum, right??. I did one aircraft with wood formers and
> stringers then skinned  it with 1/32 plywood, followed by a layer of 8 oz.
> glass. I "X" braced the inside of the boat to give the boat the stiffness I
> thought it needed to prevent any fluttering of the tail feathers. I think
> the original Rand method makes for a good stiff and strong empennage AND
> having done that on several aircraft, I found it easier and less expensive.
> Foam also allows for the possibility of some graceful curves.  I believe
> that one of our members is doing the Rand method turtle deck whilst affixing
> it with piano hinges for easy maintenance access.
>    No, I don't envisage any stability problems, nor is the weight likely to
> be an issue. However the reason for doing as you suggest escapes me. What is
> it you expect?
> Pat R

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