We all know that plans are virtually impossible to obtain now, other than from other builders who either never finished an airplane and have an "un-used" set, or copy and send a copy to new builders. I'm not thrilled with the thought of tangling with anybody's team of lawyers, so I'm staying away from all of that.

Having said that, let's face it, the KR2 and KR2S plans are fairly pathetic anyway....a hodgepodge of old and even older poorly drawn, and downright cryptic in places, with one sentence instructions something like "build the aft deck in a similar manner", with no dimensions provided. Couple that with what is apparently no method to obtain them anyway, so let's go ahead and say it like it is, building a new KR of any description is in jeopardy, unless you can find un-used plans.

But wait....we, the collective of KR builders, have really created a new and improved airplane over the years, using the KR series (which itself draws heavilty from the Taylor Monoplane) as a starting point, and improving as we learned and built. Some folks may still want to fly behind a 1600cc VW in a cramped one seater, but our collective design has created a "real" airplane that is plenty wide enough for two normal human beings, is more stable for safer and easier flying, and supports larger engines powerful enough to make it a real time machine.

It is obvious that what needs to be created are plans for the aircraft that we have evolved, leaving the KR behind, for the next generation of builders. My goal in this effort is to produce a completely new set of drawings and written instructions for this new experimental aircraft, which I like to call "FreeBird", mainly because the plans and drawings would be posted on KRnet for free download, as the "new airfoil" drawings are currently. With plans free to download, just imagine how popular this design would become. Still, like the KR, it will be a time consuming aircraft to build, but one that is among the least expensive to build, and is easily customizable to fit each builder's mission.

For the moment, that plan is on the back burner, as so far, folks have been able to find plans from other builders....at least up until now. I have a good start on a CAD model from which I can....with a lot more work, create drawings. I've just been reluctant to drop everything and kill 6 months of my life doing this. My goal is to refine my model of this new FreeBird design, and create the scaled drawings and isometric views of details, using dimensions and techniques that the collective of builders have brought to this new improved design over the decades. What I'd like to relegate to others is to write fresh chapters on construction of several large components of this new airplane, so that new builders can also download them for free. What I'm talking about is an entirely free-of-charge set of plans for a NEW aircraft that will enable future cheapskate builders like us to build what has evolved into a new aircraft.

I will start working these CAD files, and will solicit writers for construction chapters after I have drawings to work with. I will act as editor. Meanwhile, I hope this will chill things for a while. Everybody who's wanted plans have been able to obtain them up until this week, so here's our signal to get back to work on this. For those looking for plans, don't halt your effort and wait for these new plans....I may croak tomorrow and never get them done.

Meanwhile, to answer the question of "what changes should be made", I'll throw a list out on KRnet of changes that "the collective" have created over the years out on KRnet, and send a link to the list when it's done.

Mark Langford
Huntsville, AL
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