You should be able to go to your local FSDO and get THE exact steps.  Best to 
ask your local EAA how the FSDO feels about experimental.   I have learned one 
that is friendlier towards homebuilts will guide you best. (And not just burden 
you down with 6 mo of paperwork - and send to Oklahoma yourself and wait).

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From: KRnet <> on behalf of Flesner via KRnet 
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 4:02:46 PM
To: <>
Cc: Flesner <>
Subject: Re: KRnet> A new wrinkle, now the FAA is involved

On 7/5/2022 1:08 PM, Craig Williams wrote:
> The paragraph is very specific.  An I am a subsequent owner.  So they will 
> have to tell me what hoops I have to jump through to get that letter.  Since 
> it took about 3 weeks to get a response I am not expecting a quick process.  
> But ya never know I have been wrong before.
> Craig


Expect the worst and be happy with anything better.  I can't see the
change presenting a major hurdle other then the typical government
bureaucracy and delay.  I'd make sure they realize no engine or air
frame changes ,other than the gear,  are in question if in fact that is
what happened.  I can't see why a phase I period is even necessary for a
proven air frame / engine. Remember to smile and say thank you..........

Larry Flesner

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