After getting my license in C172's, I bought a Stinson 108-1 which I never
really mastered before trading it for 80 acres of swamp in northern
Minnesota (forty years later I sold the swamp for enough to cover my
daughter's education).
What I really wanted was a KRII. I located one in Fort Myers Florida and
bought it, even though I lived in California. The seller, a former carrier
pilot, agreed to "check me out" on the assumption that I already knew how
to fly and had a conventional gear endorsement.
   As should be known, a KR is miserable at aft CG and both of us were
pretty big guys. He could control her, I could not. Just before each of my
touchdowns he would mutter "oh God", unaware I could hear him through the
headsets. Having given me such confidence, he climbed out, saying " she's
easier to fly solo...try it - good luck!"
   I immediately set out for home. Near Kissimmee the propeller spinner
came off, biting a big chunk out of one of the prop blades.
Reducing power allowed me to make a slow descent to a grass strip where I
made the best landing of my life. Not really my first, but close enough.
   I was met on the field by a gyro copter guy name of Bud who loved the KR
(she has this effect on people), took the prop off, took the prop and me
home, planned the leading edge flat, and glued on a big chunk of mahogany.
After feeding me dinner and giving me a bed for the night he planed the
leading edge back to perfection, balanced it on a nail, put it on my little
bird and sent us on our way.
   My second landing was a pretty good one at New Orleans lakefront till
the ground controller asked me where I wished to go. Sitting on his runway,
I didn't care and told him so. He again asked "where do you wish to go?"
Getting the idea, I spied a Shell sign in the near distance and asked for
permission to go there. He ok'd this with a chuckle and sent me to a
biz-jet facility that had no use for small planes, nor did they sell
   My third landing was at Denison Texas where a fascinated local took a
roll of pictures, pumped a tank of gas and sent us on our way. Forth
landing was at Winslow AZ where I tried to sleep under her wing (can't be
done). Fifth landing was a poor one at San Carlos after a 750 mile flight,
and sixth was at Samoa, a semi-
abandoned field near home. There a local came out, loved the KR, ( she has
this effect on people) and arranged for me to take over an unused hanger.
Sorry this is so long, but someone might enjoy it. Maybe not.

Gary Sack, 81JM
KRnet mailing list

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