Rich Parker wrote:

These posts are great. 


What I'm enjoying most is names I see from the KRnet of long ago. 



Great group of guys here.  Would love to see how long others have been on the 





I have been on the net since around the turn of the century.  A friend of mine, 
Sid Wood was building a KR2 and I thought it was the greatest of planes so 
ordered the plans and started building.  However, like you, life changed my 
direction and I wound up buying a Cherokee 140 and moving so the KR2S building 
went into hibernation.  Mark Jones had sellers remorse and was looking for a 
project so my KR2s went south to Florida.  Mark said it should fly next spring 
and I am so excited to see it fly and be a ½ ass builder since I had completed 
the foundation of it!


In the meantime, Sid and I   purchased Challenger II kits back in 2019 since we 
were getting older and low and slow seemed the way to go.  Well COVID almost 
shut down the Challenger factory and to this day they will not give a kit 
delivery date.  So Sid bought a kit from  one of our EAA Chapter members and we 
started covering it end of September and are down to covering the last wing and 
fuselage.  Hopefully we will be flying in a Challenger by next spring.  I have 
had one flight in a Challenger and it was great.


I have stayed on the KRnet and also follow a lot of the stories.  Been to Red 
Oak, Mount Vernon and other KR gatherings. Still waiting for my first KR ride 😊



Lusby, MD

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