On Wednesday, September 28, 2016, Norman Khine <nor...@khine.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have setup a lambda function to trigger a update to my k8s cluster, the
> problem is that the image is not being pulled.
> Here is my yaml file
> apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
> kind: Deployment
> metadata:
>   name: app-prod
>   labels:
>     pod: app
>     track: production
>   annotations:
>     scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/affinity: >
>       {
>         "nodeAffinity": {
>           "requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": {
>             "nodeSelectorTerms": [
>               {
>                 "matchExpressions": [
>                   {
>                     "key": "beta.kubernetes.io/instance-type",
>                     "operator": "In",
>                     "values": ["c4.large"]
>                   }
>                 ]
>               }
>             ]
>           }
>         }
>       }
> spec:
>   replicas: 5
>   template:
>     metadata:
>       labels:
>         pod: app
>         track: production
>     spec:
>       containers:
>         - image: quay.io/user/api:develop
>           name: api
>           ports:
>             - containerPort: 3000
>           env:
>             - name: DATABASE
>               value: mongodb://mongo-db:27000//api-v2?replicaSet=mongo
>           imagePullPolicy: Always
>         - image: quay.io/user/media:develop
>           name: media
>           ports:
>             - containerPort: 4000
>           imagePullPolicy: Always
>       imagePullSecrets:
>         # we download these from quay.io account
>         - name: my-pull-secret
> the problem is that on quay.io the `latest` tag is only applied to the
> default github repository and not `develop` branch for example

What? Why does it matter, if you are using tag develop?

> so my question, how do i force the kubectl to pull the latest image from a
> specific branch

The image is pulled from a docker registry. There are no branches there.
Just a repo and a tag (your image name and a tag, in this case develop)

So, probably the image in your registry with tag develop is not what you


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