I am not limiting resource for the tomcat test on k8s. 

On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 9:25:50 PM UTC+5:30, Warren Strange wrote:
> Debugging performance issues on Docker/Kube can be interesting....
> You could try exposing the service through a Nodeport, and run your 
> benchmark directly against the node IP. That would at least tell you if the 
> GKE LB is a factor or not. 
> Also - are your pods possibly CPU or memory limited (i.e, have you 
> explicitly set resource limits - making Kube throttle your pods?)
> Please share your findings!
> On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 12:25:05 AM UTC-6, Vinoth Narasimhan 
> wrote:
>> Environment:
>> Kubernetes version (use kubectl version):
>>  kubectl version
>> Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"7", GitVersion:"v1.7.3", 
>> GitCommit:"2c2fe6e8278a5db2d15a013987b53968c743f2a1", GitTreeState:"clean", 
>> BuildDate:"2017-08-03T07:00:21Z", GoVersion:"go1.8.3", Compiler:"gc", 
>> Platform:"linux/amd64"}
>> Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"6", GitVersion:"v1.6.9", 
>> GitCommit:"a3d1dfa6f433575ce50522888a0409397b294c7b", GitTreeState:"clean", 
>> BuildDate:"2017-08-23T16:58:45Z", GoVersion:"go1.7.6", Compiler:"gc", 
>> Platform:"linux/amd64"}
>> Cloud provider or hardware configuration**:
>> Google Container Engine.
>> What happened:
>> We are in testing phase of springboot based microservice deployment on 
>> GKE. During testing QA filed a performance issue , stats that the 
>> throughput of the service in k8s is low when compared to run the java app in
>> java -jar method
>> docker run
>> For testing i skip those springboot stuff and take native tomcat home 
>> page as the test bed for the "ab" testing.
>> The test setup looks like:
>> Create an 8cpu/30Gig RAM ubuntu server in GCP and install native 
>> tomact-8.5.20(80) and test the home page.
>> Stop the native tomcat. Create the docker tomcat instances on the same 
>> host and test the same home page.
>> The docker version is: Version: 17.06.2-ce
>> Create the 3 node K8s cluster 1.6.9. Run the tomcat deployment the same 
>> 8.5.20 and expose the service through LB and test the same home page.
>> I install the ab tool in other GCP instances and hit the above 3 
>> different endpoints.
>> What's the Result:
>> The first 2 test with native tomcat and docker run the throughput i got 
>> is nearly 8k Req/sec on avg on different request/concurrent level.
>> But the same on K8s LB the throughput i got on the average of 2k req/sec 
>> on avg on different request/concurrency level.
>> Is this something am i missing on the test. Or this is how the GKE LB 
>> store and forward the request at this rate.

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