Make sure all firewalls are open?

I just tested it and it works:

$ kubectl run udp --image=ubuntu -- bash -c "while true; do sleep 100000;
deployment "udp" created

$ kubectl expose deployment udp --port=12345 --protocol=UDP
service "udp" exposed

Then I got the IP from `get svc`.  I used `kubectl exec -ti` to exec into
my pod and run `nc -l -p 12345 -u` in one terminal and I sent bytes to it
via `netcat -u <public ip> 12345`.


On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 12:03 PM, Tameem Iftikhar <
> wrote:

> down votefavorite
> <>
> I am trying to run a very simple UDP service in kubernetes on Google Cloud
> but am unable to access the port I am exposing to the internet. Here is the
> deployment and service file:
> Deployment.yaml
> apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
> kind: Deployment
> metadata:
>   name: udp-server-deployment
> spec:
>   replicas: 2
>   template:
>     metadata:
>       labels:
>         name: udp-server
>     spec:
>       containers:
>       - name: udp-server
>         image: jpoon/udp-server
>         imagePullPolicy: Always
>         ports:
>         - containerPort: 10001
>           protocol: UDP
> Service.yaml:
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: Service
> metadata:
>   name: udp-server-service
>   labels:
>     app: udp-server
> spec:
>   type: LoadBalancer
>   ports:
>   - port: 10001
>     protocol: UDP
>   selector:
>     name: udp-server
> This create the load balancer in google cloud with the correct port
> exposed. Like so:
> Load balancer <>
> But when i try to access the port it's unaccessible. I have tried a few
> variations in GCE to expose udp port but none seem to be working.
> ➜  udp-example telnet 10001
> Trying
> telnet: connect to address Connection refused
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
> --
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