I've recently migrated to GKE Regional clusters from Zonal, but I'm getting 
strange behaviour where the API isn't responding to resources that it should do.

The first time I experienced it was when trying to create a 

kubectl get certificatesigningrequest would work, however kubectl get csr said 
"the server doesn't have a resource type csr"

Then I noticed that occasionally the calico pods crash:

❯ kks logs calico-typha-vertical-autoscaler-6947c8fd8c-p5bf5 -p
I0509 22:35:54.839337       1 autoscaler.go:46] Scaling namespace: kube-system, 
target: deployment/calico-typha
E0509 22:35:54.946035       1 autoscaler.go:49] failed to discover apigroup for 
kind "Deployment": unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: 
metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server could not find the requested resource

❯ kks logs -p calico-node-vertical-autoscaler-664dc78496-9jcrv
I0509 22:35:54.836859       1 autoscaler.go:46] Scaling namespace: kube-system, 
target: daemonset/calico-node
E0509 22:35:54.950159       1 autoscaler.go:49] failed to discover apigroup for 
kind "DaemonSet": unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: 
metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1: the server could not find the requested resource

Has anyone else seen this sort of behaviour?  I'm wondering if I should revert 

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