On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 01:44 +1000, Paul J R wrote:
> I have a question which is probably going to sound a little silly, but
> what do the kernel modules actually do?

You were running pure QEMU at that point.  QEMU emulates everything
including the CPU.  This means every instruction in the guest is decoded
by a soft-emulation of the x86.

KVM builds upon QEMU by replacing the cpu-emulator potion of the code
with a facility that utilizes VT/SVM hardware.  So instead of emulating
instructions, the CPU context-switches into guest mode and allows the
guest to run at full speed on the x86 hardware until something happens
that requires the system to context switch back to the host.

This translates into a much faster guest, though this may only be
evident if you run some benchmarks that measure CPU performance. 


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