On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 03:26:57AM +1000, Paul J R wrote:
> Wow, those are both pretty informative. Given both those replies, i'm 
> wondering if i should continue?
> The kind of thing I had in mind was relatively simple, it'd be a 
> miniture OS that would boot up (over pxe/usb/cdrom) into ram (its about 
> 90mb of ram so far with kvm and a full kernel + kudzu and few small 
> components such as a httpd+php). it searches for a configuration 
> partition and away you go managing the rest via the web interface. I had 
> clustering/multi-node sitting at the back of my head as well.

FYI, libvirt also now provides secure remote access, so it can be used
off-node from the box being managed. Access is either tunnelled over SSH,
or directly connected using TLS + x509 certificates.


This would enable a single web service to manage multiple hosts securely.

I illustrated some very simple examples here, showing the same commands
talking to Xen, and KVM/QEMU both locally and remotely over SSH, or TLS.


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