On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 05:50 +0300, Avi Kivity wrote:
> Gregory Haskins wrote:
> > This series incorporates all of v1 plus the following changes based on
> > feedback to date:
> >   
> Are you positioning this as an alternative to virtio?

Absolutely not!  I really just want to see a decent PV-IO solution

When I originally started this project virtio didn't exist.  And even
recently I was under the impression that there was no implementation of
virtio for KVM in existence.  I just learned this morning that Dor is
pretty close to getting something working, but that was news to me.

> If so, be aware that virtio is (a) mostly done (b) very well done.

I would very much like to help make virtio work, which is really where I
was going with this.  My design is a little bit different so I was
submitting it in case there was any ideas worth salvaging to be picked
up by the official project.  (I tried to explain this in the v1
announcement so I apologize if anyone, particularly Rusty, felt
slighted....it was not my intention)

> Can you describe what you are trying to achieve that virtio doesn't do?

To be perfectly honest, I have never been able to find an implementation
of virtio (I looked and even asked Rusty directly via email but never
found/heard anything back) so I don't know exactly what its capabilities
are.  My impressions from reading Rusty's email proposals are that there
are certainly similarities to the virtio interface and the ioq interface
in concept.  Where they seem to differ is that the concept of the ring
is more exposed in IOQ via the iterator idiom instead of the sg-buffer

At the time I first saw the virtio proposals, I couldn't quite wrap my
head around how I could do things like "zero copy" + deferred pointer
reaping, which was a design goal of mine.  So I kept up with the IOQ
design for the interim to at least demonstrate where I was trying to go.
Perhaps it will be a useful innovation and the virtio interface design
will pick up some of my ideas.  Perhaps virtio deals with it already.
Or perhaps no one will think its a good idea and it gets pushed
to /dev/null ;)  I am not sure what the answer will be.

But in any case, I was also trying to go beyond the shared-ring
interface design.  For instance, the series also provides:

*) a system for efficiently discovering/communicating with PV backend
devices that was not laden with legacy interfaces like PCI.  (I am in
the process of converting over to use bus_register as Dor suggested).

*) generalization of as much of the shared-memory code as possible so it
could be reused (for instance, both guest and host can use the same IOQ
interface, and the code itself will largely work with any hypervisor, or
even non-hypervisor shared-memory systems, like RDMA/AMP).

Again, perhaps virtio will cover all these areas too.  Without having
seen it I am not really sure where the overlap exists, but perhaps there
will be at least some aspects of my series that are useful.  That is why
I submitted it.  Ideally I can hook up with whomever is working on the
implementation (sounds like Dor?) and we can crank something out
together.  :)

Again, apologies if anyone felt slighted. :(


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