Zhao, Yunfeng wrote:
> We run some booting multiple guest tests in our nightly testing.
> Like booting two UP windows guests, booting one UP linux guest and one UP 
> windows guest, and booting 4 UP linux guests.
> The first two cases have no problem in our testing.
> And booting 4 UP linux guests may crash host, but this problem doesn't happen 
> very time. If the problem didn't happen, linux guest can be log in without 
> any problem.
> For smp guest, we meet a problem that booting linux guest with 4 vcpus causes 
> soft lock error on host. Once this error happened, qemu process also could 
> not be killed.
> Our linux guests are using 2.6.9, 2.6.16, and 2.6.23 kernels.

This may be due to NMIs or MCEs. Is it possible your machine is
receiving them?

error compiling committee.c: too many arguments to function

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