Cam Macdonell wrote:
> Dor Laor wrote:
>> Cam Macdonell wrote:
>> You may choose the interactivity improvements:in 
>> Dor
> Thanks Dor, I'll look into it.  Beyond the description, can you 
> elaborate on the problem with frame rate during interactivity?  Is the 
> a simple test that reveals the problem?
It's a simple test, when there are keyboard/mouse/display changes keep 
the refresh rate high. When there are no changes start decrease the rate 
until a minimum
reached. The performance benefit should also be checked since if it 
minimal there's no use for this optimization.
> Related to that, what is the status of VMGL's 
> ( integration with KVM or 
> QEMU?  Has anyone tried it?  I've found some pages that refer to QEMU 
> and VMGL but nothing definitive.
Go ahead, there claim it can work with qemu. Try first with qemu since 
it is the repository to contribute the code to.
KVM will inherit it from qemu.
> Cam

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