Cam Macdonell wrote:
> Dor Laor wrote:
>> Cam Macdonell wrote:
>> It's a simple test, when there are keyboard/mouse/display changes 
>> keep the refresh rate high. When there are no changes start decrease 
>> the rate until a minimum
>> reached. The performance benefit should also be checked since if it 
>> minimal there's no use for this optimization.
>>> Related to that, what is the status of VMGL's 
>>> ( integration with KVM 
>>> or QEMU?  Has anyone tried it?  I've found some pages that refer to 
>>> QEMU and VMGL but nothing definitive.
>> Go ahead, there claim it can work with qemu. Try first with qemu 
>> since it is the repository to contribute the code to.
>> KVM will inherit it from qemu.
> Is there a way to test with QEMU that is not painfully slow?
> Cam
maybe using kqemu,
i guess you can work on kvm, if you keep checking that it still work on 

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