Jan Kiszka wrote:
> Avi Kivity wrote:
>> Jan Kiszka wrote:
>>> Avi,
>>> [somehow your mails do not get through to my private account, so I'm
>>> switching]
>>> Avi Kivity wrote:
>>>> Jan Kiszka wrote:
>>>>> Clarification: I can't precisely tell what code is executed in VM mode,
>>>>> as I don't have qemu or that guest instrumented. I just see the kernel
>>>>> entering VM mode and leaving it again more than 300 us later. So I
>>>>> wonder why this is allowed while some external IRQ is pending.
>>>> How do you know an external interrupt is pending?
>>> It's the host timer IRQ, programmed to fire in certain intervals (100 us
>>> here). Test case is some latency measurement tool like tglx's cyclictest
>>> or similar programs we use in Xenomai.
>>>> kvm programs the hardware to exit when an external interrupt arrives.
>>> Here is a latency trace I just managed to capture over with 
>>> latest kvm from git hacked into (kvm generally seems to work fine this way):
>>> ...
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13897us : vmcs_write16+0xb/0x20 
>>> (vmx_save_host_state+0x1a7/0x1c0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13897us : vmcs_writel+0xb/0x30 (vmcs_write16+0x1e/0x20)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13898us : segment_base+0xc/0x70 
>>> (vmx_save_host_state+0xa0/0x1c0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13898us : vmcs_writel+0xb/0x30 
>>> (vmx_save_host_state+0xb0/0x1c0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13898us : segment_base+0xc/0x70 
>>> (vmx_save_host_state+0xbf/0x1c0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13898us : vmcs_writel+0xb/0x30 
>>> (vmx_save_host_state+0xcf/0x1c0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13898us : load_msrs+0xb/0x40 
>>> (vmx_save_host_state+0xe7/0x1c0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0...1 13898us : kvm_load_guest_fpu+0x8/0x40 
>>> (kvm_vcpu_ioctl_run+0xbf/0x570)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D..1 13899us : vmx_vcpu_run+0xc/0x110 
>>> (kvm_vcpu_ioctl_run+0x120/0x570)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D..1 13899us!: vmcs_writel+0xb/0x30 
>>> (vmx_vcpu_run+0x22/0x110)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D..1 14344us : vmcs_read32+0xb/0x20 
>>> (vmx_vcpu_run+0xc7/0x110)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D..1 14345us : vmcs_readl+0x8/0x10 (vmcs_read32+0x16/0x20)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D..1 14345us : vmcs_read32+0xb/0x20 
>>> (vmx_vcpu_run+0xf4/0x110)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D..1 14345us+: vmcs_readl+0x8/0x10 (vmcs_read32+0x16/0x20)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D..1 14349us : irq_enter+0xb/0x30 (do_IRQ+0x45/0xc0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h1 14350us : do_IRQ+0x73/0xc0 (f8caae24     0     0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h1 14351us : handle_level_irq+0xe/0x120 (do_IRQ+0x7d/0xc0)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h1 14351us : __spin_lock+0xc/0x30 
>>> (handle_level_irq+0x24/0x120)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h2 14352us : mask_and_ack_8259A+0x14/0x120 
>>> (handle_level_irq+0x37/0x120)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h2 14352us+: __spin_lock_irqsave+0x11/0x60 
>>> (mask_and_ack_8259A+0x2a/0x120)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h3 14357us : __spin_unlock_irqrestore+0xc/0x60 
>>> (mask_and_ack_8259A+0x7a/0x120)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h2 14358us : redirect_hardirq+0x8/0x70 
>>> (handle_level_irq+0x72/0x120)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h2 14358us : __spin_unlock+0xb/0x40 
>>> (handle_level_irq+0x8e/0x120)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h1 14358us : handle_IRQ_event+0xe/0x110 
>>> (handle_level_irq+0x9a/0x120)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h1 14359us : timer_interrupt+0xb/0x60 
>>> (handle_IRQ_event+0x67/0x110)
>>> qemu-sys-7543  0D.h1 14359us : hrtimer_interrupt+0xe/0x1f0 
>>> (timer_interrupt+0x20/0x60)
>>> ...
>>> One can see 345 us latency between vm-enter and vm-exit in vmx_vcpu_run -
>>> and this while cyclictest runs at a period of 100 us!
>>> I got the same results over Adeos/I-pipe & Xenomai with the function
>>> tracer there, also pointing to the period while the CPU is in VM mode.
>>> Anyone any ideas? Greg, I put you on CC as you said you once saw "decent
>>> latencies" with your patches. Are there still magic bits missing in
>>> official kvm?
>> No bits missing as far as I know.  It should just work.
>> Can you explain some more about the latenct tracer?  How does it work? 
> Ah, sorry: The latency tracers in both -rt and I-pipe use gcc's -pg to
> put a call to a function called mcount at the beginning of each compiled
> function. mcount is provided by the tracers and stores the caller
> address, its parent, the current time, and more in a log. An API is
> provided to start and stop the trace, e.g. after someone (kernel or user
> space) detected large wakeup latencies.

Ok.  So it is not interrupt driven, and that's how you get traces in
functions that run with interrupts disabled.

>> Seeing vmx_vcpu_run() in there confuses me, as it always runs with
>> interrupts disabled (it does dispatch NMIs, so we could be seeing an NMI).
> The point is that the cyclictest does not find large latencies when kvm
> is not happening to start or stop right now. And if you are thinking
> about NMIs triggered by the kvm code on vm-exit: I also instrumented
> that code path, and it is not taken in case of the long delay.

Right.  With your explanation it all makes sense, and indeed it looks
like the guest is not exiting.

>> Please post a disassembly of your vmx_vcpu_run so we can interpret the
>> offsets.
> Here it comes:
> 00002df0 <vmx_vcpu_run>:
>     2df0:       55                      push   %ebp
>     2df1:       89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp
>     2df3:       53                      push   %ebx
>     2df4:       83 ec 08                sub    $0x8,%esp
>     2df7:       e8 fc ff ff ff          call   2df8 <vmx_vcpu_run+0x8>
>     2dfc:       8b 5d 08                mov    0x8(%ebp),%ebx
>     2dff:       0f 20 c0                mov    %cr0,%eax
>     2e02:       89 44 24 04             mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
>     2e06:       c7 04 24 00 6c 00 00    movl   $0x6c00,(%esp)
>     2e0d:       e8 be d8 ff ff          call   6d0 <vmcs_writel>

first trace

>     2e12:       8b 83 80 0d 00 00       mov    0xd80(%ebx),%eax
>     2e18:       ba 14 6c 00 00          mov    $0x6c14,%edx
>     2e1d:       89 d9                   mov    %ebx,%ecx
>     2e1f:       60                      pusha
>     2e20:       51                      push   %ecx
>     2e21:       0f 79 d4                vmwrite %esp,%edx
>     2e24:       83 f8 00                cmp    $0x0,%eax
>     2e27:       8b 81 78 01 00 00       mov    0x178(%ecx),%eax
>     2e2d:       0f 22 d0                mov    %eax,%cr2
>     2e30:       8b 81 50 01 00 00       mov    0x150(%ecx),%eax
>     2e36:       8b 99 5c 01 00 00       mov    0x15c(%ecx),%ebx
>     2e3c:       8b 91 58 01 00 00       mov    0x158(%ecx),%edx
>     2e42:       8b b1 68 01 00 00       mov    0x168(%ecx),%esi
>     2e48:       8b b9 6c 01 00 00       mov    0x16c(%ecx),%edi
>     2e4e:       8b a9 64 01 00 00       mov    0x164(%ecx),%ebp
>     2e54:       8b 89 54 01 00 00       mov    0x154(%ecx),%ecx
>     2e5a:       75 05                   jne    2e61 <vmx_vcpu_run+0x71>
>     2e5c:       0f 01 c2                vmlaunch
>     2e5f:       eb 03                   jmp    2e64 <vmx_vcpu_run+0x74>
>     2e61:       0f 01 c3                vmresume
>     2e64:       87 0c 24                xchg   %ecx,(%esp)
>     2e67:       89 81 50 01 00 00       mov    %eax,0x150(%ecx)
>     2e6d:       89 99 5c 01 00 00       mov    %ebx,0x15c(%ecx)
>     2e73:       ff 34 24                pushl  (%esp)
>     2e76:       8f 81 54 01 00 00       popl   0x154(%ecx)
>     2e7c:       89 91 58 01 00 00       mov    %edx,0x158(%ecx)
>     2e82:       89 b1 68 01 00 00       mov    %esi,0x168(%ecx)
>     2e88:       89 b9 6c 01 00 00       mov    %edi,0x16c(%ecx)
>     2e8e:       89 a9 64 01 00 00       mov    %ebp,0x164(%ecx)
>     2e94:       0f 20 d0                mov    %cr2,%eax
>     2e97:       89 81 78 01 00 00       mov    %eax,0x178(%ecx)
>     2e9d:       8b 0c 24                mov    (%esp),%ecx
>     2ea0:       59                      pop    %ecx
>     2ea1:       61                      popa
>     2ea2:       0f 96 c0                setbe  %al
>     2ea5:       88 83 84 0d 00 00       mov    %al,0xd84(%ebx)
>     2eab:       c7 04 24 24 48 00 00    movl   $0x4824,(%esp)
>     2eb2:       e8 49 d2 ff ff          call   100 <vmcs_read32>

second trace

>     2eb7:       a8 03                   test   $0x3,%al
>     2eb9:       0f 94 c0                sete   %al
>     2ebc:       0f b6 c0                movzbl %al,%eax
>     2ebf:       89 83 28 01 00 00       mov    %eax,0x128(%ebx)
>     2ec5:       b8 7b 00 00 00          mov    $0x7b,%eax
>     2eca:       8e d8                   mov    %eax,%ds
>     2ecc:       8e c0                   mov    %eax,%es
>     2ece:       c7 83 80 0d 00 00 01    movl   $0x1,0xd80(%ebx)
>     2ed5:       00 00 00
>     2ed8:       c7 04 24 04 44 00 00    movl   $0x4404,(%esp)
>     2edf:       e8 1c d2 ff ff          call   100 <vmcs_read32>
>     2ee4:       25 00 07 00 00          and    $0x700,%eax
>     2ee9:       3d 00 02 00 00          cmp    $0x200,%eax
>     2eee:       75 02                   jne    2ef2 <vmx_vcpu_run+0x102>
>     2ef0:       cd 02                   int    $0x2
>     2ef2:       83 c4 08                add    $0x8,%esp
>     2ef5:       5b                      pop    %ebx
>     2ef6:       5d                      pop    %ebp
>     2ef7:       c3                      ret
>     2ef8:       90                      nop
>     2ef9:       8d b4 26 00 00 00 00    lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
> Note that the first, unresolved call here goes to mcount().

(the -r option to objdump is handy)

Exiting on a pending interrupt is controlled by the vmcs word
vmcs_read32()) that the bit is indeed set?

[if not, a guest can just enter a busy loop and kill a processor]

Do not meddle in the internals of kernels, for they are subtle and quick to 

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