On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 07:22:53PM +0100, Laurent Vivier wrote:
> As it should be useful to be able to mount partition from a 
> disk image, (and as I need a break in my bug hunting) I've 
> modified the loop driver to mount raw disk image.
> To not break original loop device, as we have to change minor 
> numbers to manage partitions, a new parameter is added to the module:

I don't see the point in modifying the loop device driver when you
can already access the partitions with existing device mapper
functionality & tools.

# losetup  -f /var/lib/xen/images/fc6pvi386.img
# kpartx -l /dev/loop0
loop0p1 : 0 208782 /dev/loop0 63
loop0p2 : 0 10265535 /dev/loop0 208845
# kpartx -a /dev/loop0
# ls /dev/mapper/loop0p*
/dev/mapper/loop0p1  /dev/mapper/loop0p2
# mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1  /mnt/
# ls /mnt/
config-2.6.18-20.el5xen      lost+found                   
grub                         symvers-2.6.18-20.el5xen.gz  xen.gz-2.6.18-20.el5
initrd-2.6.18-20.el5xen.img  System.map-2.6.18-20.el5xen  xen-syms-2.6.18-20.el5

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