Quoting Yolkfull Chow <yz...@redhat.com>:

$ lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_amd                38452  0
kvm                   163952  1 kvm_amd

# chkconfig --level 35 kvm off
error reading information on service kvm: No such file or directory

I tried to disable qemu on Gnome;
System -> Administration -> Services -> highlight qemu -> Disable

(kvm is NOT there)

Next boot

$ lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_amd                38452  0
kvm                   163952  1 kvm_amd

still there

If you want kvm related kernel modules not to be loaded at next boot,
you can add then into blacklist: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.con

Hi Yolkfull,

Thanks for your advice.  Could you please explain in more detail.

$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
# watchdog drivers
blacklist i8xx_tco

# framebuffer drivers
blacklist aty128fb
blacklist atyfb
blacklist radeonfb
blacklist i810fb
blacklist cirrusfb
blacklist intelfb
blacklist kyrofb
blacklist i2c-matroxfb
blacklist hgafb
blacklist nvidiafb
blacklist rivafb
blacklist savagefb
blacklist sstfb
blacklist neofb
blacklist tridentfb
blacklist tdfxfb
blacklist virgefb
blacklist vga16fb

# ISDN - see bugs 154799, 159068
blacklist hisax
blacklist hisax_fcpcipnp

# sound drivers
blacklist snd-pcsp

What shall I add on this config file?

How can I start KVM after booting if needed.  TIA

Stephen L

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