On 12/19/2011 11:11 AM, Amos Kong wrote:
Sometime, we need to test with guest(s) which have static ip
eg. No real/emulated DHCP server in test environment.
eg. Test with old image we don't want to change the net config.
eg. Test when DHCP exists problem.

Ok Amos, looks reasonable. Would you please send a v2 with ip_nic commented out and a companion wiki documentation? It'd be the start of a KVM autotest networking documentation. In case you are not aware, the autotest wiki is now a git repo, you can clone it, edit the pages on your editor, commit and push the changes.

If you have any problems, please contact me.



This is an example of using static ip address:
1. edit ifcfg-eth0 of guest to assign static IP
    ( You can also do this by install
2. add and setup bridge in host
    # brctl addbr vbr
    # ifconfig vbr
3. add script for setup tap device
    | #!/bin/sh
    | switch=vbr
    | /sbin/ifconfig $1 up
    | /usr/sbin/brctl addif ${switch} $1
    | /usr/sbin/brctl setfd ${switch} 0
    | /usr/sbin/brctl stp ${switch} off
4. assign parameters in config file and execute test as usual
    | ip_nic1 =
    | mac_nic1 = 11:22:33:44:55:67
    | bridge = vbr

Signed-off-by: Amos Kong<ak...@redhat.com>
  client/tests/kvm/base.cfg.sample |    3 +++
  1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/tests/kvm/base.cfg.sample b/client/tests/kvm/base.cfg.sample
index 411decf..c86ec1f 100644
--- a/client/tests/kvm/base.cfg.sample
+++ b/client/tests/kvm/base.cfg.sample
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ nics = nic1
  # Connect NIC devices to host bridge device
  bridge = virbr0

+# Tell framework of nic1's static ip address
+ip_nic1 =
  # List of block device object names (whitespace seperated)
  images = image1
  # List of optical device object names
diff --git a/client/virt/kvm_vm.py b/client/virt/kvm_vm.py
index fa258c3..1fb177f 100644
--- a/client/virt/kvm_vm.py
+++ b/client/virt/kvm_vm.py
@@ -821,7 +821,12 @@ class VM(virt_vm.BaseVM):
                  if mac:
                      virt_utils.set_mac_address(self.instance, vlan, mac)
-                    virt_utils.generate_mac_address(self.instance, vlan)
+                    mac = virt_utils.generate_mac_address(self.instance, vlan)
+                if nic_params.get("ip"):
+                    self.address_cache[mac] = nic_params.get("ip")
+                    logging.debug("(address cache) Adding static cache entry: "
+                                  "%s --->  %s" % (mac, nic_params.get("ip")))

              # Assign a PCI assignable device
              self.pci_assignable = None

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