And also, when I am plotting the spectrum in varing magnetic field with the
hamiltonian as a sparse matrix. I am getting an value error.

*ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes
(100,) and (1, 15)*

I don't know what does it mean?

*def plot_spectrum(syst, Bfields):    energies = []    for B in
Bfields:                ham_mat =
syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(params=dict(B=B), sparse=True)        ev =
sla.eigsh(ham_mat.tocsc(), k=15, sigma=0,
return_eigenvectors=False)    energies.append(ev)    pyplot.figure()
pyplot.plot(Bfields, energies)    pyplot.xlabel("magnetic field [arbitrary
units]")    pyplot.ylabel("energy [t]")*
*plot_spectrum(syst, [iB * 0.002 for iB in range(100)])*

Best regards,

On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 1:35 PM Naveen Yadav <>

> That is okay, but still something wrong.
> Naveen
> Department of Physics & Astrophysics
> University of Delhi
> New Delhi-110007
> On Tue, May 7, 2019, 13:29 Joseph Weston <>
> wrote:
>> > Dear Joseph,
>> >
>> > As per your instructions I have build the system, but the code is not
>> > giving the desired result.
>> > Here is the code please have a look on it.
>> 'y' should be the y position of the sites of the hopping, not an input
>> parameter to the system construction:
>>     def hoppingz(site0, site1):
>>          y = site0.pos[1]
>>          ...
>> Happy Kwanting,
>> Joe


With Best Regards
Ph.D Research Scholar
Deptt. Of Physics & Astrophysics
University Of Delhi.

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