Il 09/08/2012 15:01, Sophie Gautier ha scritto:

while I agree with Martin considering the spell check bug a showstopper,
please Sophie, could you post again a mail regarding the procedure for QA
with Orca? It could be interesting to have a regular reminder of it, so
that Leaders could forward it to users/collaborators and maybe have more
people for testing.

I'm not sure of what you mean with testing with Orca, I use it just to
check that LibO is working with a screen reader (Orca in that case) but
I don't have a specific process to test ally functionality. May be Chris
could give more detail on how they proceed.
But what you ask is exactly what I was searching for : a way to reach
your users/collaborators in order to set a QA process with those
interested to participate :) And if it's what you mean, yes, I can send
a reminder any time needed. But first I would like to know what would be
the best for them to participate (a dedicated mailing list, irc channel,
just a page on the wiki... in their language or in English ?). The tool
we can use currently is Litmus, we can switch to another more recent one
if needed, but it's just a tool, we need the community around it for now :)

Hi Sophie,

thanks for your reply, maybe I misunderstood :) , yes Orca is a screen reader...

Ok, I used Litmus once and this is my point of view.

- I think we need a (monthly) reminder and a QA mailing list to which forward / send opinions and tests (I remember OpenOffice had) - A page on the wiki is also necessary, in order to facilitate registration / access / login to the test system - it is also very important to "localize" the test system, if not already yet, to let local non-English users perform correctly the test
- Wiki shoukd be localized
- QA mail list is very important to give it the importance it needs (till now it seems to have been considered a second-order item of the project, if I can say so), and to collect people for the purpose.

I hope these suggestions could be useful.


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