Hi Leif, *,

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 2:51 PM, Leif Lodahl <leiflod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) Empty filters
> On the first overview page ( https://translations.documentfoundation.org/da/
> ) we mostly use the columns with numbers to navigate to the next string to
> work on. But there is one mysterious thing: in "LibreOffice master – UI" we
> see 505 incomplete. But when we click on the number; the result is "No
> results"

Just speculation, but might be that those were done by a user that was
deleted in the meantime or by a bot/file-upload, ...

> 2) Local administration
> I am the administrator for Danish (da). My user profile:
> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/user/lodahl/
> How do I get to the area where I can add and adjust user credentials?


But you cannot adjust user credentials - that is full-admin only.

> I also need to change the "Language instructions". The text seems to be
> outdated. Where can I edit the text?

Those are static content/announcements now. Danish one would be

but I don't think permissions allow editing that yet by non-admins..

> 3) Statistics
> There seems to be quite some interesting statistics but is it possible to
> get kind of an overview of users for a project? So far I have only found
> statistics for each individual user.

Statistics is a work-in-progress area - so far there's no overall
statistic, just the very limited this month's top contributors and
individual stats.


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