Assuming you have been seeing the same as I've seen at times ...
          but I usually see 20% ... this has nothing to do with LO, it's
has something to do with MsFt;
       why 'they' (whomever  ;-) )
         want to switch the URLs to ones which are not workable, I have no
idea -
          it's frustrating to have to eliminate those extraneous additions

From: Mihkel Tõnnov <>
Date: Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 4:28 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Bad placeholders in a string
To: libreoffice-l10n <>

Hi all,

I keep stumbling accross this string:
"DDE link to % for % area % are not available."

Currently it has key-ID "5Uf9f" on master, and context "app.src
STR_DDE_ERROR string.text".

Could someone clarify what those %s stand for?
(And ideally, they should be changed into proper placeholders that could be
moved around in the translated sentence if need be.)

Best regards,
Estonian team

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