
For Icelandic it would be:

  label_history_tab_all: Ferill
  label_history_tab_comments: Athugasemdir

Best regards,

Sveinn í Felli

Þann þri  1.des 2015 13:33, skrifaði Sophie:
Hi all,

I've a small translation request to be added to redmine, the template is
   label_history_tab_all: History
   label_history_tab_comments: Comments
where [en] is replaced by your locale, History and Comments translated
in your language, as an example, for French it would be:
   label_history_tab_all: Historique
   label_history_tab_comments: Commentaires

Thanks a lot in advance for you help :) You can either mail to the list
or directly to me.


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