Dear Friends of FLOSS i18n/L10n,

I know this is off-topic for this list, but I assume many of you are also
friends of TuxPaint L10n (or would be if you thought about it for a
minute).  TuxPaint developer Bill Kendrick has announced he is "gearing up
for" the first new release in three years in this very mature software and
I think it should be seen as a golden opportunity for a L10n sprint to
maximize the coverage in as many languages as possible.

If anyone wants a Pootle-hosted copy of tuxpaint.po, tuxpaint-stamps.po or
tuxpaint-config.po PO files, let me know and I'll set it up on the Sugar
Labs Pootle instance (downloading any partially complete files from the
canonical site).

Otherwise follow Bill's directions below.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Kendrick <>
Date: Sat, Dec 2, 2017 at 6:28 PM
Subject: [Tuxpaint-i18n] Call for translation updates
To: Tux Paint I18N <>

I'm finally gearing up to release a new Tux Paint (0.9.23),
which admittedly won't have much in the way of new features
compared to 0.9.22 from three years ago.

That said, if you're out here and interested in updating
your translations (of any part of the project, or the website),
please do so!

(The POT files are available via that page, as well)

If you've got a SourceForge account, and are familiar with Git,
you can now use it to commit your updates.  (We have moved away
from CVS, finally.)

For more info, start here:

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my computer

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