Hi Stamboltsyan,

On Friday, 2019-07-12 15:13:25 +0400, Stamboltsyan Seda wrote:

> <div>Samvel,</div><div> </div><div>Your explanation is a mess. What you have 
> explained about hy_AM is the following:</div><div> </div><div>"<span 
> style="font:small monospace">For hy_AM/hye_AM the Institute of Language and 
> Ministry of Education of RA have not yet made the official decision. There is 
> an ongoing work on unified orthography, after completion of which, it will 
> also be implemented under this code. For now we will use either IR or RU 
> variant for this (subject to discussion with the 
> min-edu)."</span></div><div><br />There is NO "ongoing work on unified 
> orthography", as you say. And hy_AM has been used for all these years for the 
> Eastern Armenian (that is, the main language of ARMENIA) with the main 
> orthography used in Armenia. You write: "For now we will use either IR or RU 
> variant for this". Really? Who has decided that? Have you asked the opinion 
> of all the other Armenians of Armenia who are going to use LibreOffice or any 
> other application localized for Armenia?</div><div> </div><div>Once again: 
> the locale name hy_RU for Armenian of ARMENIA is not correct, whether it is 
> used by your organization or some others also. A full stop. Don't attach the 
> name of Russia to the Armenian of Armenia. And there is NO separate Armenian 
> for the Armenians of Russia, which means there just can't be any separate 
> locale for Armenian used in Russia.</div><div> </div><div>Please, don't 
> insist on the wrong decision of minority (like you) against the already 
> established and correct hy_AM.</div><div> </div><div>S.</div>

(Btw, could you *please* teach your mail client to send proper plain
text as the text/plain message body? Thanks.)

To explain why such crux workaround is necessary from the technical side:

There are 5 variants to write Armenian, as per
but only 4 distinct language tags. Omitting A.2) 'axm' there leaves us
with 4 variants and 3 distinct language tags.  To resolve that from
a *technical* point it was addressed with commit
which as possible tags added hy-RU and hy-IR.

This has nothing to do with attaching Armenians to Russia or whatsoever.
This is a technical workaround solution, not a political one.

If the IANA language tag registry knew distinct variant subtags for the
different ortographies then all this wouldn't be a problem. To properly
solve this best would be to request such variant subtags, see

I don't know if and what difference there is between the current 'hy'
translation and the most common ortography (is it the "Modern"/USSR1940
Armenian orthography, or something else?) and the proposed hy-RU, but
please resolve this dispute in a sensible manner.

The 'hy' tag default locale is of course hy-AM and whatever the most
common ortography used with Eastern Armenian as used in Armenia is
should be translated under the 'hy' tag.


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