Em 09/09/2013 16:36, Michal Hriň escreveu:

Hi Pedro, Vladislav and Phan Anh,

Our product web site is static and it is written in HTML and Markdown.
(for download page we use Javascript). To create a NL page the whole
you need is basic knowledge of HTML, good to know is SVN.

1; Download source of website.
2; Open it in text editor which respect UNIX white chars f.e. gedit, notepad++ ?, kwrite...
3; Read the source, translate text with respecting HTML/MD/JS syntax.
4; Upload source
5; Publish site

The best way to download source is svn co, but you can manually download file by file by
Save As in your browser or you can edit sources with CMS.

The header is there:


Then add this file to your's NL path ex. ooo-site/content/pt/brand .... translate it, add ssi.mdtext to ooo-site/tempaltes/pt ... (not sure Dave can help:) ), I'm no sure where
is footer located I'm not using it.

The mandatory links for your site is download links for product in your language. :)

The easiest way to re-create NL page is to copy English one translate it as I an Spanish people
done oo.o/sk , oo.o/es. But you can create your own.

For tis time the page is static and I don't know about script for automatic adding blogposts to

Once more: whole you need is basic knowledge of HTML,MDTEXT,JS and SVN and a text editor.

Michal Hriň

PS. If you hesitate to start, I can send you a English site in .zip and you can look at it and translate it
, then I can commit it for you.

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I just asked Rob for the files, I presume it is the same zip you mention.
You say above that we can create our own pages.
So I can use the info in the zip (links, etc.), the same file and directory structure and names, and create a new layout from scratch, is that it? I saw the header with your link. How is that integrated in the index page, or any other by the way? Are they part of a .css?

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