Chavez is a threat because he offers the alternative of
a decent society

Venezuela's president is using oil revenues to liberate
the poor - no wonder his enemies want to overthrow him

By John Pilger
The Guardian (UK)
May 13, 2006,,1773908,00.html

I have spent the past three weeks filming in the
hillside barrios of Caracas, in streets and breeze-
block houses that defy gravity and torrential rain and
emerge at night like fireflies in the fog. Caracas is
said to be one of the world's toughest cities, yet I
have known no fear; the poorest have welcomed my
colleagues and me with a warmth characteristic of
ordinary Venezuelans but also with the unmistakable
confidence of a people who know that change is possible
and who, in their everyday lives, are reclaiming noble
concepts long emptied of their meaning in the west:
"reform", "popular democracy", "equity", "social
justice" and, yes, "freedom".

The other night, in a room bare except for a single
fluorescent tube, I heard these words spoken by the
likes of Ana Lucia Fernandez, aged 86, Celedonia
Oviedo, aged 74, and Mavis Mendez, aged 95. A mere 33-
year-old, Sonia Alvarez, had come with her two young
children. Until about a year ago, none of them could
read and write; now they are studying mathematics. For
the first time in its modern era, Venezuela has almost
100% literacy.

This achievement is due to a national programme, called
Mision Robinson, designed for adults and teenagers
previously denied an education because of poverty.
Mision Ribas is giving everyone a secondary school
education, called a bachillerato. (The names Robinson
and Ribas refer to Venezuelan independence leaders from
the 19th century.) Named, like much else here, after
the great liberator Simon Bolivar, "Bolivarian", or
people's, universities have opened, introducing, as one
parent told me, "treasures of the mind, history and
music and art, we barely knew existed". Under Hugo
Chavez, Venezuela is the first major oil producer to
use its oil revenue to liberate the poor.

Mavis Mendez has seen, in her 95 years, a parade of
governments preside over the theft of tens of billions
of dollars in oil spoils, much of it flown to Miami,
together with the steepest descent into poverty ever
known in Latin America; from 18% in 1980 to 65% in
1995, three years before Chavez was elected. "We didn't
matter in a human sense," she said. "We lived and died
without real education and running water, and food we
couldn't afford. When we fell ill, the weakest died. In
the east of the city, where the mansions are, we were
invisible, or we were feared. Now I can read and write
my name, and so much more; and whatever the rich and
their media say, we have planted the seeds of true
democracy, and I am full of joy that I have lived to
witness it."

Latin American governments often give their regimes a
new sense of legitimacy by holding a constituent
assembly that drafts a new constitution. When he was
elected in 1998, Chavez used this brilliantly to
decentralise, to give the impoverished grassroots power
they had never known and to begin to dismantle a
corrupt political superstructure as a prerequisite to
changing the direction of the economy. His setting-up
of misions as a means of bypassing saboteurs in the
old, corrupt bureaucracy was typical of the
extraordinary political and social imagination that is
changing Venezuela peacefully. This is his "Bolivarian
revolution", which, at this stage, is not dissimilar to
the post-war European social democracies.

Chavez, a former army major, was anxious to prove he
was not yet another military "strongman". He promised
that his every move would be subject to the will of the
people. In his first year as president in 1999, he held
an unprecedented number of votes: a referendum on
whether or not people wanted a new constituent
assembly; elections for the assembly; a second
referendum ratifying the new constitution - 71% of the
people approved each of the 396 articles that gave
Mavis and Celedonia and Ana Lucia, and their children
and grandchildren, unheard-of freedoms, such as Article
123, which for the first time recognised the human
rights of mixed-race and black people, of whom Chavez
is one. "The indigenous peoples," it says, "have the
right to maintain their own economic practices, based
on reciprocity, solidarity and exchange ... and to
define their priorities ... " The little red book of
the Venezuelan constitution became a bestseller on the
streets. Nora Hernandez, a community worker in Petare
barrio, took me to her local state-run supermarket,
which is funded entirely by oil revenue and where
prices are up to half those in the commercial chains.
Proudly, she showed me articles of the constitution
written on the backs of soap-powder packets. "We can
never go back," she said.

In La Vega barrio, I listened to a nurse, Mariella
Machado, a big round black woman of 45 with a
wonderfully wicked laugh, stand and speak at an urban
land council on subjects ranging from homelessness to
the Iraq war. That day, they were launching Mision
Madres de Barrio, a programme aimed specifically at
poverty among single mothers. Under the constitution,
women have the right to be paid as carers, and can
borrow from a special women's bank. From next month,
the poorest housewives will get about £120 a month. It
is not surprising that Chavez has now won eight
elections and referendums in eight years, each time
increasing his majority, a world record. He is the most
popular head of state in the western hemisphere,
probably in the world. That is why he survived,
amazingly, a Washington-backed coup in 2002. Mariella
and Celedonia and Nora and hundreds of thousands of
others came down from the barrios and demanded that the
army remain loyal. "The people rescued me," Chavez told
me. "They did it with all the media against me,
preventing even the basic facts of what had happened.
For popular democracy in heroic action, I suggest you
need look no further."

The venomous attacks on Chavez, who arrives in London
tomorrow, have begun and resemble uncannily those of
the privately owned Venezuelan television and press,
which called for the elected government to be
overthrown. Fact-deprived attacks on Chavez in the
Times and the Financial Times this week, each with that
peculiar malice reserved for true dissenters from
Thatcher's and Blair's one true way, follow a travesty
of journalism on Channel 4 News last month, which
effectively accused the Venezuelan president of
plotting to make nuclear weapons with Iran, an absurd
fantasy. The reporter sneered at policies to eradicate
poverty and presented Chavez as a sinister buffoon,
while Donald Rumsfeld was allowed to liken him to
Hitler, unchallenged. In contrast, Tony Blair, a
patrician with no equivalent democratic record, having
been elected by a fifth of those eligible to vote and
having caused the violent death of tens of thousands of
Iraqis, is allowed to continue spinning his truly
absurd political survival tale.

Chavez is, of course, a threat, especially to the
United States. Like the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, who
based their revolution on the English co-operative
moment, and the moderate Allende in Chile, he offers
the threat of an alternative way of developing a decent
society: in other words, the threat of a good example
in a continent where the majority of humanity has long
suffered a Washington-designed peonage. In the US media
in the 1980s, the "threat" of tiny Nicaragua was
seriously debated until it was crushed. Venezuela is
clearly being "softened up" for something similar. A US
army publication, Doctrine for Asymmetric War against
Venezuela, describes Chavez and the Bolivarian
revolution as the "largest threat since the Soviet
Union and Communism". When I said to Chavez that the US
historically had had its way in Latin America, he
replied: "Yes, and my assassination would come as no
surprise. But the empire is in trouble, and the people
of Venezuela will resist an attack. We ask only for the
support of all true democrats."

· John Pilger's new book, Freedom Next Time, is
published next month by Bantam Press


God's Own Party
by Kevin Phillips

Published on Sunday, May 14, 2006 by the Seattle Times
Distributed by Common Dreams

Now that the GOP has been transformed by the rise of
the South, the trauma of terrorism and George W. Bush's
conviction that God wanted him to be president, a
deeper conclusion can be drawn: The Republican Party
has become the first religious party in U.S. history.

We have had small-scale theocracies in North America
before in Puritan New England and later in Mormon
Utah. Today, a leading power such as the United States
approaches theocracy when it meets the conditions
currently on display: an elected leader who believes
himself to speak for the Almighty, a ruling political
party that represents religious true believers, the
certainty of many Republican voters that government
should be guided by religion and, on top of it all, a
White House that adopts agendas seemingly animated by
biblical worldviews.

Indeed, there is a potent change taking place in this
country's domestic and foreign policy, driven by
religion's new political prowess and its role in
projecting military power in the Mideast.

The United States has organized much of its military
posture since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks around the
protection of oil fields, pipelines and sea lanes. But
U.S. preoccupation with the Middle East has another
dimension. In addition to its concerns with oil and
terrorism, the White House is courting end-times
theologians and electorates for whom the Holy Lands are
a battleground of Christian destiny. Both pursuits,
oil and biblical expectations, require a dissimulation
in Washington that undercuts the U.S. tradition of
commitment to the role of an informed electorate.

The political corollary, fascinating but appalling,
is the recent transformation of the Republican
presidential coalition. Since the election of 2000 and
especially that of 2004, three pillars have become
central: the oil/national-security complex, with its
pervasive interests; the religious right, with its
doctrinal imperatives and massive electorate; and the
debt-driven financial sector, which extends far beyond
the old symbolism of Wall Street.

President Bush has promoted these alignments, interest
groups and their underpinning values. His family, over
multiple generations, has been linked to a politics
that conjoined finance, national security and oil. In
recent decades, the Bushes have added close ties to
evangelical and fundamentalist power brokers of many

Over a quarter-century of Bush presidencies and vice
presidencies, the Republican Party has slowly become
the vehicle of all three interests, a fusion of
petroleum-defined national security; a crusading,
simplistic Christianity; and a reckless, credit-feeding
financial complex. The three are increasingly allied in
commitment to Republican politics.

On the most important front, I am beginning to think
that the Southern-dominated, biblically driven
Washington GOP represents a rogue coalition, like the
Southern, proslavery politics that controlled
Washington until Abraham Lincoln's election in 1860.

I have a personal concern over what has become of the
Republican coalition. Forty years ago, I began a book,
"The Emerging Republican Majority," which I finished in
1967 and took to the 1968 Republican presidential
campaign, for which I became the chief political and
voting-patterns analyst. Published in 1969, while I was
still in the fledgling Nixon administration, the volume
was identified by Newsweek as the "political bible of
the Nixon Era."

In that book I coined the term "Sun Belt" to describe
the oil, military, aerospace and retirement country
stretching from Florida to California, but debate
concentrated on the argument — since fulfilled and then
some — that the South was on its way into the national
Republican Party. Four decades later, this framework
has produced the alliance of oil, fundamentalism and

Some of that evolution was always implicit. If any
region of the United States had the potential to
produce a high-powered, crusading fundamentalism, it
was Dixie. If any new alignment had the potential to
nurture a fusion of oil interests and the
military-industrial complex, it was the Sun Belt, which
helped draw them into commercial and political
proximity and collaboration.

Wall Street, of course, has long been part of the GOP
coalition. But members of the Downtown Association and
the Links Club were never enthusiastic about "Joe
Sixpack" and middle America, to say nothing of
preachers such as Oral Roberts or the Tupelo, Miss.,
Assemblies of God. The new cohabitation is an unnatural

While studying economic geography and history in
Britain, I had been intrigued by the Eurasian
"heartland" theory of Sir Halford Mackinder, a
prominent geographer of the early 20th century. Control
of that heartland, Mackinder argued, would determine
control of the world. In North America, I thought, the
coming together of a heartland, across fading Civil
War lines, would determine control of Washington.

This was the prelude to today's "red states." The
American heartland, from Wyoming, Colorado and New
Mexico to Ohio and the Appalachian coal states, has
become (along with the onetime Confederacy) an
electoral hydrocarbon coalition. It cherishes
sport-utility vehicles and easy carbon-dioxide
emissions policy, and applauds preemptive U.S. air
strikes on uncooperative, terrorist-coddling Persian
Gulf countries fortuitously blessed with huge reserves
of oil.

Because the United States is beginning to run out of
its own oil sources, a military solution to an energy
crisis is hardly lunacy. Neither Caesar nor Napoleon
would have flinched. What Caesar and Napoleon did not
face, but less able American presidents do, is that
bungled overseas military embroilments could also
boomerang economically.

The United States, some $4 trillion in hock
internationally, has become the world's leading debtor,
increasingly nagged by worry that some nations will
sell dollars in their reserves and switch their
holdings to rival currencies. Washington prints bonds
and dollar-green IOUs, which European and Asian bankers
accumulate until for some reason they lose patience.
This is the debt Achilles' heel, which stands alongside
the oil Achilles' heel.

Unfortunately, more danger lurks in the responsiveness
of the new GOP coalition to Christian evangelicals,
fundamentalists and Pentecostals, who muster some 40
percent of the party electorate. Many millions believe
that the Armageddon described in the Bible is coming
soon. Chaos in the explosive Middle East, far from
being a threat, actually heralds the second coming of
Jesus Christ. Oil-price spikes, murderous hurricanes,
deadly tsunamis and melting polar ice caps lend further

The potential interaction between the end-times
electorate, inept pursuit of Persian Gulf oil,
Washington's multiple deceptions and the financial
crisis that could follow a substantial liquidation by
foreign holders of U.S. bonds is the stuff of
nightmares. To watch U.S. voters enable such policies,
the GOP coalition is unlikely to turn back, is
depressing to someone who spent many years researching,
watching and cheering those grass roots.

Four decades ago, the new GOP coalition seemed certain
to enjoy a major infusion of conservative Northern
Catholics and Southern Protestants. This troubled me
not at all. I agreed with the predominating Republican
argument at the time that "secular" liberals, by badly
misjudging the depth and importance of religion in the
United States, had given conservatives a powerful and
legitimate electoral opportunity.

Since then, my appreciation of the intensity of
religion in the United States has deepened. When
religion was trod upon in the 1960s and thereafter by
secular advocates determined to push Christianity out
of the public square, the move unleashed an
evangelical, fundamentalist and Pentecostal
counterreformation, with strong theocratic pressures
becoming visible in the Republican national coalition
and its leadership.

Besides providing critical support for invading Iraq,
widely anathematized by preachers as a second Babylon,
the Republican coalition has also seeded half a dozen
controversies in the realm of science. These include
Bible-based disbelief in Darwinian theories of
evolution, dismissal of global warming, disagreement
with geological explanations of fossil-fuel depletion,
religious rejection of global population planning,
derogation of women's rights and opposition to
stem-cell research.

This suggests that U.S. society and politics may again
be heading for a defining controversy such as the
Scopes trial of 1925. That embarrassment chastened
fundamentalism for a generation, but the outcome of the
eventual 21st century test is hardly assured.

These developments have warped the Republican Party and
its electoral coalition, muted Democratic voices and
become a gathering threat to America's future. No
leading world power in modern memory has become a
captive of the sort of biblical inerrancy that
dismisses modern knowledge and science. The last
parallel was in the early 17th century, when the
papacy, with the agreement of inquisitional Spain,
disciplined the astronomer Galileo for saying that the
sun, not the Earth, was the center of our solar system.

Conservative true believers will scoff at such
concerns. The United States is a unique and chosen
nation, they say; what did or did not happen to Rome,
imperial Spain, the Dutch Republic and Britain is
irrelevant. The catch here, alas, is that these nations
also thought they were unique and that God was on their
side. The revelation that he apparently was not added a
further debilitating note to the late stages of each
national decline.

Over the past 25 years, I have warned frequently of
these political, economic and historical (but not
religious) precedents. The concentration of wealth that
developed in the United States in the bull market of
1982 to 2000 was also typical of the zeniths of
previous world economic powers as their elites pursued
surfeit in Mediterranean villas or in the country-house
splendor of Edwardian England. In a nation's early
years, debt is a vital and creative collaborator in
economic expansion; in late stages, it becomes what Mr.
Hyde was to Dr. Jekyll: an increasingly dominant mood
and facial distortion. The United States of the early
21st century is well into this debt-driven climax, with
some analysts arguing, all too plausibly, that an
unsustainable credit bubble has replaced the stock
bubble that burst in 2000.

Unfortunately, three of the preeminent weaknesses
displayed in these past declines have been religious
excess, a declining energy and industrial base, and
debt often linked to foreign and military overstretch.
Politics in the United States — and especially the
evolution of the governing Republican coalition —
deserves much of the blame for the fatal convergence of
these forces in America today.

Kevin Phillips is the author of "American Theocracy:
The Perils and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and
Borrowed Money in the 21st Century" (Viking).

Copyright © 2006 The Seattle Times Company


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