Hi.  I got a bunch of "thank-you's" for the Slate I sent, but also a
couple of strong disagreements and one correction.  I have to say 
I knew nothing of the activities described below about Janavs, Leiu 
or  Waxman.  Re Delgadillo, I 'ugh'ed about him AND Jerry Brown.
Remember to vote tomorrow - turnout will be small and it counts.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Suzanne Thompson 
To: Ed Pearl 
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 12:00 PM
Subject: Re:SUGGESTION: Primary Recommendations, weekend Calendar


Dear Friends:

As many of you know, I have been fighting to save Lincoln Place for several
years now.  While we are still in there fighting, we have not had the
support we should have had from the LA City Attorney and the judicial
system.  In fact, we have been undermined by both.

Therefore, at this election time, I respectfully ask that you vote against
the following individuals:

(1) Rocky Delgadillo, who is running for State Attorney General, has taken
bribes from slum landlords according to the LA Times and I personally, have
found his office to not enforce the laws of the City of LA.  He is a
terrible City Attorney, don't let him also be a terrible Secretary of State.

(2)  Judge Dzintra I. Janavs, who is an incumbent Judge in the Superior
Court in downtown LA.  We at Lincoln Place have been before this judge
several times and she is capricious, arrogant, righteous, does not do her
homework by reading the briefing materials, and is one sided in favor of
"the big guys" in this city.  Unfortunately,  she and Judge Yaffe, another
ultraconservative, are the only two judges in this City who you can go to
for an injunction, which prevents justice in our City.  It is time for her
to retire.  

Please pass this on to your friends.  Many of you have not personally been
in situations where the judicial system is corrupt and unfair.  But I have.
Help remove these two people now.

Thank you for listening.


Dear Friends,

Democrats - including Ted Lieu, who represents Venice - and Republicans in the 
state Assembly combined yesterday to defeat of AB 2562. This bill, which 
proposed quite moderate changes to slow down (but not stop) displacement of 
tenants by condo conversions, passed the Assembly Housing, Local Government and 
Appropriations committees on party line votes, then failed on the Assembly 
floor with just enough Democrats abstaining or voting no for it to fail by a 
vote of 38 to 40 with 2 abstentions.

More specifically, the bill would have clarified the required notices to 
tenants and when they must be given, forbid construction to remodel converted 
properties until after the final map is recorded (a step in the conversion 
process that is typically not done until just before the units are ready to 
sell, and often can't be done until then), and raise the penalties for 
landlords who don't provide tenants the required notices (moving expenses and 
first month's rent of a new unit, currently capped at unrealistic maximums of 
$500 each, would get more realistic caps of $1000 and $1500).

All the Republican members of the Assembly voted against the bill, as did 
Democrats Ted Lieu, Joe Baca, Ronald Calderon, Ed Chavez, Jerome Horton,  
Barbara Mathews, Gloria Negrete McLeod, and Nicole Parra. Joe Canciamilla and 
Juan Vargas abstained.

I hope that all of you who care about tenant rights, stopping evictions and 
saving affordable housing will join me in supporting Karl Abrams who is running 
against Ted Lieu. Karl wants to repeal the Ellis and Costa-Hawkins Acts 
(anti-rent control), and use state funds to buy Lincoln Place.

It's time for a Tenant Revolt!

Jim Smith


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Blankfort" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: Primary Recommendations, weekend Calendar


Henry Waxman told Lynn Woolsey from Marin and Sonata two years 
ago that for her two votes against AIPAC's wishes that if a solid  
candidate was found to run against her in the Democratic primary, he 
and the Democrats would support that candidate and now they have 
in Joe Nation, Jewish money is pouring in for his campaign and the 
Chronicle endorsing him, as well. He's a horrible, ambitious guy, and 
willing to sell his soul to AIPAC. 


 Ed Pearl wrote:

>Hi.  I'm not registered as a Democrat but most on the this list are, and


----- Original Message -----
From: "Maureen O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: Primary Recommendations, weekend Calendar

I don't know where the endorsement for the 51st State Assembly came
from.....I live in the 51st, and the only people on my (Democratic Party)
sample ballot are Curren Price and Steve Bradford.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anne Marie Staas Niedorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ed Pearl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Primary Recommendations, weekend Calendar

Oops, my aging eyes read, on the Stonewall website, district number 
51 on one line and the name for 52 from the next line and combined 
them.  The actual recommendations are Steve Bradford for AD 51 and 
Merv Dymally for 52.
-- Anne Marie



Scotland on Sunday     4 June 2006

Furious Iraq demands apology as US troops are cleared of massacre

By Brian Brady

America's alliance with the new Iraqi government was plunged into major
crisis last night as the country's prime minister and its people reacted
with fury to the US military clearing its forces of killing civilians during
operations against insurgents.

Iraqi leaders vowed to press on with their own probe into one of the most
notorious American raids against extremist fighters, in the town of Ishaqi,
rejecting the US military's exoneration of its forces.

Adnan al-Kazimi, an aide to prime minister Nuri al-Maliki, said the
government would also demand an apology from the United States and
compensation for the victims in several cases, including the alleged
massacre in the town of Haditha last year.

The escalation in tensions comes as sources at the Foreign Office confirmed
that the British Government is also urging the Americans to co-operate fully
with comprehensive investigations into the deaths at both Ishaqi and

A report filed by Iraqi police accused US troops of rounding up and
deliberately shooting 11 people - including five children and four women -
in a house in Ishaqi, before blowing up the building. Video footage revealed
by the BBC appeared to show the aftermath of US action in Ishaqi, including
a number of dead adults and children with what experts claimed were clearly
gunshot wounds.

But following its own inquiries into the Ishaqi operation, the Pentagon
enraged Iraqi officials by issuing a statement declaring that allegations
that US troops "executed a family ... and then hid the alleged crimes by
directing an air strike, are absolutely false".

US spokesman Major General William Caldwell said the US investigation into
events in Ishaqi, where the military says it was attempting to capture
insurgents, had found no wrongdoing on the part of the troops.

He said troops had been fired on as they raided a house to arrest an
al-Qaeda suspect. They returned fire and called in air support, which
destroyed the building, killing one militant and resulting in "up to nine
collateral deaths".

The military had previously said one guerrilla, two women and a child were
killed in the March 15 raid in the town, which is in the US-controlled zone,
60 miles north of Baghdad.

The Americans have repeatedly pledged to punish any soldier found guilty of
atrocities in Iraq. But the decision to clear the troops in Ishaqi fuelled
deep mistrust among ordinary Iraqis, three years after the US-led invasion
to oust Saddam Hussein.

Police in Ishaqi say five children, four women and two men were shot in the
head, and that the bodies, with hands bound, were dumped in one room before
the house was blown up.

"We have it from more than one source that the Ishaqi killings were carried
out under questionable circumstances," al-Kazimi said yesterday. "More than
one child was killed. This [US] report was not fair for the Iraqi people and
the children who were killed."

Al-Maliki, who took office two weeks ago at the helm of a US-backed national
unity government, is battling a widespread public perception that US troops
can shoot and kill with impunity and Iraqi leaders are too weak to do
anything about it. Last week he criticised coalition forces for what he
described as habitual attacks against civilians.

"Ishaqi is just another reason why we shouldn't trust the Americans," said
Abdullah Hussein, an engineer in Baghdad. "First they lied about the weapons
of mass destruction, then there was the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal and
now it's clear to the world they were guilty in Haditha."

A tribal leader in Ishaqi said it was clear that US forces were above the
law in Iraq.

"We expect the American soldiers to commit any crime to control this
country," added Sarhan Jasim, 55.

Human rights minister Wijdan Michael said her ministry would send a
fact-finding commission to Ishaqi in the next few days.

A Foreign Office insider confirmed last night that the British Government
had become increasingly concerned about the series of allegations against US

"It must be stressed that there is no conclusive proof that any of these
allegations are true," she said. "But we have to be aware of them, and the
Americans have to be aware of them and we are impressing upon them the need
to investigate them to everyone's satisfaction whenever they arise.

"We only need to remember the incidents of abuse at Abu Graib and how
damaging they were. It is in no one's interests to have these things going

The Ishaqi incident was one of a handful involving civilian deaths being
investigated by the US military, including the deaths of two dozen civilians
in the town of Haditha on November 19 last year.

US officials say murder charges may be brought against Marines after the
probe into Haditha, which some commentators are comparing to the 1968 My Lai
massacre in Vietnam.

Al-Maliki this week condemned the suspected massacre in Haditha as a
"terrible crime" and demanded that the United States hand over the files on
the investigation.

White House spokesman Tony Snow said US ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and the
top US commander in Iraq, General George Casey, met al-Maliki in Baghdad on
Friday and promised to give him all the evidence and materials from the
Haditha probe.

In the statement about Ishaqi, Caldwell said the investigation showed that
the ground commander "operated in accordance with the rules of engagement
governing our combat forces in Iraq".

But one man in the town, 40-year-old Obeid Kamil, said that US soldiers had
a "licence to kill" Iraqi civilians.

"Their action is always to open fire and kill people, which is proof that
they are afraid," he said. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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