Egypt’s “independent” unions seek to end strikes, prop up junta
By Johannes Stern 
1 October 2011
After more than seven months of military rule in Egypt, the revolutionary 
movement of workers and youth is reaching a second climax. Yesterday 
hundreds of thousands gathered again on squares and streets all over 
Egypt and demanded the downfall of the regime and the ouster of Field 
Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi.
In Cairo several mass 
demonstrations headed from working class neighborhoods to the iconic 
Tahrir Square with workers demanding "Bread, freedom and social 
equality". Some were holding a banner reading: "The bottom line is: we 
will no longer be ruled by US or EU, though we sincerely love their 
peoples". In the coastal city of Alexandria thousands of workers marched 
calling for "A revolution in all of Egypt's factories" and chanting "No more 
privatization“. In Port Said, a city at the northern entrance of 
the Suez Canal, demonstrators shouted "Down, down with military rule" 
and "The People, not SCAF, are the only red line”, referring to the 
hated Supreme Council of the Armed Forces headed by Tantawi.
was the case in the first 18 days of the revolution that led to the 
ouster of long-time dictator Hosni Mubarak, the working class is the 
main social force in the renewed mass movement. Since the end of 
Ramadan, hundreds of thousands of workers across Egypt have participated in 
mass strikes and protests demanding higher wages, better working 
conditions and social equality.
The renewed upsurge of the 
Egyptian working class, sparked by the disastrous social conditions and a 
deepening economic crisis, is sending shock waves through ruling 
circles around the world. The Egyptian bourgeois media is conducting a 
vicious campaign against "class based protests", which are leading to 
"chaos", and demanding an end to all strikes and protests. In recent 
days, several columns and editorials appeared in Egyptian newspapers 
warning of the threat of "a second revolution".
To prevent a 
"revolution of the hungry" the junta is stepping up its preparations for a 
violent crackdown on striking workers. Egypt’s military rulers have 
recently announced an expansion of the emergency laws and are moving to 
enforce the anti-strike law. During the last weeks, scores of protesters have 
been arrested, sent to military trials and reportedly been tortured by police 
and military forces.
Before the protests on Friday, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces issued a 
75th communique warning that it will "not tolerate any attacks on the 
army or public installations." In Suez, one of the epicenters of the 
revolution, the armed forces moved into the city to secure government 
buildings, banks and the central offices of the Suez Canal Authority.
Despite the brutal efforts by the junta to halt the protests, workers are 
continuing their mass strikes. Commentators already compare the 
situation to the first stage of the revolution when the mass actions of 
workers ousted Hosni Mubarak. A second revolution against the SCAF would not 
only threaten military rule in Egypt but the capitalist order and 
imperialist domination throughout the region.
At this crucial 
point of the revolution, the so-called “independent” trade unions and 
their pseudo-left supporters such as the Revolutionary Socialists (RS) 
and the Democratic Workers Party (DWP) are playing an increasingly 
important role to defend bourgeois rule in Egypt. They are becoming the 
main mechanism through which the Egyptian junta disarms and disorients 
workers in order to bring the revolution to a halt. These 
petit-bourgeois forces are working consciously as agents of the 
bourgeoisie to convince workers to end their strikes and to go back to 
On September 17, hundreds of thousands of teachers went on 
strike for the first time since 1951. According to media sources, up to 
80 percent of the 1.5 million teachers participated in the strike. The 
movement of the teachers reached its peak last Saturday when thousands 
of teachers gathered in front of the Egyptian Cabinet headquarters 
demanding the immediate removal of Ahmed Gamal Eddin Moussa, the current 
minister of education. They also called for a minimum wage of 1,200 EGP 
gradually rising to 3,000 EGP. Currently a teacher’s net salary is EGP 
287 (US$48) per month maximum.
The junta became increasingly 
nervous about the strike, and according to some reports, the military 
police beat up and injured some of the protesting teachers. Meanwhile, a 
delegation of the Independent Teachers Syndicate (ITS) met with 
representatives of the interim government headed by Prime Minister Essam Sharaf.
Despite the fact that Moussa declared that “the current 
budget limitations prevented meeting” the educators’ demands, Hassan 
Ahmad, the chairman of the ITS, announced the suspension of the 
teachers' strike. He declared that the ITS was willing to give the 
ministry one week to present a solution to the grievances of the 
teachers. Reportedly, Hassan took the decision to call off the strike 
without consulting the workers, who wanted to continue the sit-in. 
Despite the betrayal of the unions, media sources reported that teachers in a 
number of schools in Beni Suef, Sharkiya, Suez and parts of Cairo 
are continuing their struggle.
Only three days later, on 
September 27, the Independent Union of Public Transport Workers (IUPTW) 
also tried to end the strike of 45,000 transportation workers in Cairo. 
Representatives of the IUPTW met with minister of manpower Ahmad Hassan 
El-Borai in order to discuss the situation and agreed on an immediate 
suspension of the strike without any concessions made by the government. The 
Egyptian daily Al-Ahram reported that the minister merely "promised" to meet 
the demands of the workers.
According to Al-Ahram, the transportation workers of most of the capital's 25 
bus depots 
refused to suspend their strike. They declared that the minister's 
"promise" was "unacceptable" and also rejected the deal the union 
reached with El-Borai. On Wednesday, September 28, the streets of Cairo 
were completely free of public buses and Al-Ahram Online wrote 
that it was "unable to reach elected officials in the Independent Union 
of Transport Workers to confirm that the majority of workers rejected 
the deal or formally decided to abstain from working."
attempt to cancel the strikes clearly shows the class character of the 
so-called independent unions. They are deeply hostile to the interests 
of workers and work hand in hand with the military junta to suppress the 
working class in order to stabilise capitalist rule in Egypt. For 
exactly this purpose the building of independent unions has been 
promoted by the US State Department and foreign ministries of other 
Western countries. The Center for Trade Union and Workers Services 
(CTUWS) – the main NGO involved in building the independent unions – 
reportedly receives funding from the European Confederation of Trade 
Unions and the American AFL-CIO.
The rejection of the 
"independent" unions sponsored by the junta's backers in Washington is 
an important political step to be taken for the Egyptian working class. 
The central political task of the Egyptian Revolution must now be the building 
of independent organizations of struggle to 
bring down the military junta and establish a workers' government to 
pursue socialist measures.
This only viable perspective for the 
Egyptian workers to achieve their social and democratic rights is most 
vocally opposed by the pseudo-left forces of the Socialist Front, such 
as the state-capitalist RS or the DWP. In a situation where the workers 
call for the downfall of the junta and increasingly renounce the 
straitjacket of the independent unions, these forces act as the open 
defenders of bourgeois rule. The RS and the other pseudo-leftist forces 
brazenly oppose a "second revolution" and are the main advocates of the 
independent trade unions.
After the IUPTW called off the strike 
of the transport workers, the RS published a statement which instead of 
attacking the union for its betrayal, defended the statement signed 
between the government and the union leaders as an important step 
towards "final victory". They wrote: "What has been achieved by public 
transport workers so far confirms that they are on the verge of a final 
victory". The statement by the RS is utterly deceitful. Why should 
workers believe that the empty "promises" of a brutal anti-working class 
military junta are some sort of victory?
The Egyptian revolution has reached a point where the class divisions between 
the working class and the Egyptian bourgeoisie – the junta and its pseudo-left 
supporters amongst the trade-unions and other middle-class forces – is more 
pronounced than ever. Workers are escalating their strikes and protests 
now in open confrontation with the junta, the independent trade unions 
and the pseudo-left groups.
On Friday, September 29, one day 
before the mass protests, the DWP and other pseudo-left groups entered a 
coalition with various bourgeois parties putting forward toothless 
demands on the military council. The call by workers to bring down the 
junta represents a complete repudiation of the counterrevolutionary 
policies advanced by these petit-bourgeois forces.

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