What's importand about this piece is  that Dowd is at the social center of
DC society and politics, 
and most often goes  after individuals and much smaller targets. This is
different; talking about
a serious shift in mood of the political establishment. And they all read
her column.  
The CSPG's value and events speak for themselves.   -Ed
 Heart of Darkness
 Maureen Dowd
NY Times Op-Ed: March 21, 2012

Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

When the gentleman from North Carolina mentioned “Uncle Chang,” it hit with
an awkward clang. 

“We are spending $10 billion a month that we can’t even pay for,” said
Congressman Walter Jones, that rarest of birds, a Southern Republican dove.
“The Chinese — Uncle Chang is lending us the money to pay that we are
spending in Afghanistan.” 

On Tuesday morning, members of the House Armed Services Committee tried to
grill Marine Corps Gen. John Allen, the commander in Afghanistan who
succeeded David Petraeus, about the state of the mission. 

The impossible has happened in the past few weeks. A war that long ago
reached its breaking point has gone mad, with violent episodes that seemed
emblematic of the searing, mind-bending frustration on both sides after 10
years of fighting in a place where battle has been an occupation, and
preoccupation, for centuries. 

Afghan security forces cold-bloodedly murdered some American troops after
Korans were burned by military personnel. Then an American soldier walked
out of his base early one morning and began cold-bloodedly murdering Afghan
innocents, leaving seven adults and nine children in one small village dead.

There was an exhausted feel to the oversight hearing, lawmakers on both
sides looking visibly sapped by our draining decade of wars. Even hawks seem
beaten down by our self-defeating pattern in Afghanistan: giving billions to
rebuild the country, money that ends up in the foreign bank accounts of its
corrupt officials. 

Committee Chairman Buck McKeon, a Republican from California, made a pro
forma complaint that the administration is “heading for the exits.” 

But most of the politicians seemed resigned to the fact that President
ndex.html?inline=nyt-per> Obama is resigned to settling for a very small
footprint and enough troops to keep terrorists from using Afghanistan as a
base to attack the U.S. or our allies. 

The White House seems ready to forget eliminating the poppy trade and
expanding education for girls. We’re not going to turn our desolate
protectorate into a modern Athens and there’s not going to be any victory
strut on an aircraft carrier. 

When you’re buried alive in the Graveyard of Empires, all you can do is claw
your way out. 

Congressman Jones directly confronted General Allen on the most salient
point: “What is the metric?” How do you know when it’s time to go? 

“When does the Congress have the testimony that someone will say, we have
done all we can do?” he asked. “Bin Laden is dead. There are hundreds of
tribes in Afghanistan and everyone has their own mission.” 

Jones was once so gung ho about W.’s attempts to impose democracy in Iraq
and Afghanistan that, after the French opposed invading Iraq in 2003, he
helped lead the effort to rename French fries “freedom fries” and French
toast “freedom toast” in the House cafeteria. 

But now he thinks that both wars are sucking away lives and money, reaping
only futility, and that he was silly about the fries. He said he’s fed up
with having military commanders and Pentagon officials come to Capitol Hill
year after year for a decade and say about Afghanistan: “Our gains are
sustainable, but there will be setbacks” and “We are making progress, but
it’s fragile and reversible.” 

He said he had recently visited Walter Reed and Bethesda Naval Hospital to
see wounded troops: “I had a young Marine lance corporal who lost one leg,”
in a room with his mother. 

“My question is,” the Marine asked him, “Why are we still there?” 

Jones also read an e-mail from a military big shot whom he described as a
former boss of General Allen’s, giving the congressman this unvarnished
assessment: “Attempting to find a true military and political answer to the
problems in Afghanistan would take decades. Would drain our nation of
precious resources, with the most precious being our sons and daughters.
Simply put, the United States cannot solve the Afghan problem, no matter how
brave and determined our troops are.” 

Jones agreed, noting mordantly: “I hope that sometime in between now and
2014, if things are not improving or they are fragile like they are now,
somebody will come to the Congress and say the military has sacrificed
enough. The American people have paid enough. And somebody would shoot
straight with the American people and the Congress.” 

He concluded: “We can declare victory now. But there’s one thing we cannot
do, and that is change history, because Afghanistan has never changed since
they’ve been existing.” 

The epitaph of our Sisyphean decade of two agonizing wars was written last
year by then-Secretary of Defense Bob Gates: “Any future defense secretary
who advises the president to send a big American land army into Asia, or
into the Middle East or Africa, should have his head examined.” 


From: CSPG [mailto:ad...@politicalgraphics.ccsend.com] On Behalf Of CSPG
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 4:36 PM

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  <http://img.constantcontact.com/letters/images/spacer.gif>    Center for
the Study of Political Graphics         


*       Globalize THIS! International Graphics of Resistance
RECEPTION March 29 5:30 pm 


*       Decade of Dissent: 
Democracy in Action 1965-1975 

*       PST It All Started Here 

*       Artist Interviews 


CSPG Joins the Closing Reception for the Artists' Tower of Protest by Mark
di Suvero 


Closing Reception for the Artists' Tower of Protest by Mark di Suvero

Organized by: LA ART

March 24, 2012
8950 Sunset Blvd.
Open to the public

CSPG will be onsite selling selections of political posters from our NEW

The Artists' Tower of Protest was erected in 1966 on a lot on Sunset and La
Cienega Blvds. as a symbol of collective dissent against the Vietnam War. It
was conceived by the Los Angeles Artists' Protest Committee, designed by
sculptor Mark di Suvero, and was surrounded by hundreds of artist-designed
panels. The Artists' Tower of Protest was re-staged to reflect on this
important historical moment in Los Angeles and to open a dialogue about the
role of arts activism today. 

Curated by Cesar Garcia, LA ART Senior Curator.

No host food trucks, beverages and DJ

Parking: AAA parking at 9026 Sunset Blvd and 9040 Sunset Blvd. for $5



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Globalize THIS! International Graphics of Resistance
RECEPTION March 29 5:30 pm      


March 17 - April 14, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 5:30-7:30 pm

Curator tours by Carol Wells and Otis students: 
Saturdays, April 7 & 14, 1 pm

Ben Maltz Gallery
Otis College of Art and Design
9045 Lincoln Blvd. 
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Tue-Sat 10 am-5pm; Th 10 am-7pm
Closed Sun, Mon, major holidays

Free Admission and Parking

Globalization affects every aspect of life on this planet, including climate
change, outsourced jobs, pollution, and wars. As ecological crises escalate,
resources diminish, and distribution of wealth is increasingly skewed
towards the richest 1%, activists and artists throughout the world are
speaking with a clarity and coherence exceeding that of most politicians.
Their graphic messages are loud and clear: value people over profits, free
speech over free trade, and justice over inequality. Produced from the
archives of the Center for the Study of Political Graphics, in partnership
with Otis College of Art and Design, Integrated Learning seminar "Designing
the Political" led by Guy Bennett and Kerri Steinberg. 

Funded in part by the California Arts Council; Department of Cultural
Affairs, City of Los Angeles, the National Endowment for the Arts, and
individual donors including: Linda Fredin, Gary Frost, John Laslett, Sandra
Pettit, Tobey C. Moss Gallery and Norma Sporn. 

Artists represented in Globalize THIS!:
La Asamblea de Artistas Revolucionarios de Oaxaca (ASAR­O), Jon­Paul Bail,
Jesus Barraza, Carolina Botero, Breakdown Press, Mona Caron, Jean Carlu,
Robbie Conal, Corita Kent, Walter Crane, Design Action Collective, Lex
Drewinski, EMEK, Rafael Enriquez, Joanna Foucheux, Luis Genaro Garcia,
Milton Glaser, Tyi Green, Diane Haft, Chantá Hardy, Lorenzo Hurtado, Icky
A., Justice Design, Jason Justice, Jane Killips, Mike Konopacki, Cedomir
Kostovic, Leon Kuhn, Eric Lindroth, Alejandro Lopez, Steven Lyons, Alejandro
Magallanes, Mona Mark, Chaz Maviyane­Davies, F. J. E. Mettes, Doug Minkler,
Malaquías Montoya, Ian Murphy, Sam Newbury, Open Circle, Sheila Pinkel,
Poster­Film Collective, Leonid Prado, Lilia Ramirez, Artemio Rodriguez,
Favianna Giannoni Rodriguez, San Francisco Print Collective, U. G. Sato,
Self­Help Graphics and Art, Bahador Shojapour, Chuck Sperry, Klaus Staeck,
Street Art Workers (SAW), THINK AGAIN (S.A. Bachman + David John Attyah),
Hideo Toyomasu, Keith Tucker, Gerhard Trost, Tumi's Design, Clara Tzara,
Craig Updegrove, André Vigneau, Camilla Wycoco 

Ben Maltz Gallery, Otis
> College of Art & Design 



Decade of Dissent: 
Democracy in Action 1965-1975   


Decade of Dissent: Democracy in Action

Exhibition Premiere:
February 4 - April 28, 2012

West Hollywood Library
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90069

1965-1975 was a watershed decade for California and the country as a whole.
Democracy was advanced at the ballot box, in the classroom and in the
streets. Democracy embraces free speech, yet California's students fought
for the right to free speech. Democracy ensures freedom of assembly, yet the
police often attacked peaceful demonstrations. Democracy protects civil
liberties and civil rights regardless of ones race, gender, class or
ethnicity, yet African Americans, Asians, Latinos, women, lesbians and gays
and others were often denied equality. Artists were in the forefront of the
struggles for greater democracy. This exhibition will document the
importance of poster art for developing and promoting the ideas and ideals
of democracy in California during this turbulent decade. It will also
demonstrate the power of art to convey past experiences and views of the
world, and create a broader context for understanding contemporary society. 

Artist's Panel
March 31, 2012
3:00 - 5:00 p.m. 

Dissent 451: Art & Activism Now 
April 21, 2012
3:00 - 5:00 p.m. 
Artists/Activists Discuss the Role of Art in Contemporary Movements for
Social Change 

Library Hours: Monday - Thursdays 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday & Saturday 10 a.m.
- 6 p.m. Closed Sundays 

Decade of Dissent is made possible, in part, by The City of West Hollywood
and the California Council for the Humanities and is proud to be a part of
The City of West Hollywood's PST It All Started Here. 

Artists and graphic collectives represented in Decade of Dissent include:

Carlos Almaraz, Jay Belloli, Black Light, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville,
Armando Cabrera, Carlos Callejo, Christopher Street West, Manuel Gomez Cruz,
Derosa, Vic Dinnerstein, Emory Douglas, Bob Fitch, Rupert García, Gilbert,
Group Graphics, Dave "Buffalo" Greene, Helck, Gerta Katz, Corita Kent,
Richard Mackson, William McNally, Méchicano Art Center, Malaquías Montoya,
David Mosley, Earl Newman, Ramses Noriega, Tracy Okida, Jerry Palmer, Peace
Press, Lorraine Schneider, J. Sellery, Susan Shapiro, George Stowe Jr.,
Philip Swartz, Trager, Xavier Viramontes, Weisser, Bob Zaugh, Andy Zermeño 

The Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) is an educational and
research archive that collects, preserves, documents, and circulates posters
relating to historical and contemporary movements for peace and social
justice. CSPG demonstrates the power and significance of these artistic
expressions of social change through traveling and online exhibitions,
lectures, publications, and workshops. Through our diverse programs, CSPG is
reclaiming the power of art to educate and inspire people to action. 

PST It All Started Here         


PST It All Started Here - West Hollywood Celebrates Pacific Standard Time

In 1945-1980, the years that Pacific Standard Time covers, the urban parcel
that is now the City of West Hollywood was the modern-day wild west,
physically and metaphorically. An unincorporated territory smack in the
middle of Los Angeles, it was-and is-a hotbed of creativity and
progressivism representing the rebellious heart of Southern California's
artistic and cultural identity. True to form, West Hollywood presents its
own provocative take on Pacific Standard Time with "PST It All Started
Here," a collection of events and exhibits that take art out of the museum
and onto the streets-and celebrate the art world icons, rock music stars,
visionary conceptualists, and revolutionary thinkers that made the city a
world renowned cultural destination. 

Brash, bold, and brainy, offerings for PST It All Started Here include
Perpetual Conceptual, an exploration of gallerist Eugenia Butler, part of
the seminal art movement on La Cienega Boulevard that was anchored by the
legendary Ferus Gallery. Decade of Dissent mines the archives of the Center
for the Study of Political Graphics, whose collection of post-WWII political
art is the largest of its kind in the U.S. At the ONE Archives Gallery &
Museum, Cruising the Archive: Queer Art and Culture in Los Angeles,
1945-1980, Wink Wink examines the relationship between artistic practices
and LGBTQ histories. Other activities will tie in storied
locations-including Barney's Beanery, the Troubadour and the Whisky-that
were the hang-outs of the artists and musicians that shaped our world. 

Incorporated in 1984, West Hollywood was the first in the U.S. to call
itself "The Creative City." Encompassing vibrant districts including The
Avenues and the Sunset Strip, "WeHo" has been voted the second most walkable
community in California, and, at 1.9-square miles total, arguably has more
arts per square mile than any other city in the country. PST It All Started
Here celebrates Pacific Standard Time, and West Hollywood's role in shaping
the cultural history of Southern California. 

Artist Interviews       


Interviews are a part of a video series, in which poster artists share
stories about their art and activism. The interviews accompany Decade of
Dissent: Democracy in Action 1965-1975, a traveling political poster art
exhibition produced by the Center for the Study of Political Graphics.

Videographer: Brogan de Paor
Interviewers: Julie M. Thompson and Carol A. Wells
Editor: Donna Golden

More interviews with poster artists represented in Decade of Dissent will be
made available throughout the month of February.

This exhibition and video series is funded in part by The California Story
Fund of the California Council for the Humanities and the City of West

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phone: 323-653-4662 
web: http://www.politicalgraphics.org

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