Who Can Get Away With Shooting Whom?
The Trayvon Blues
>Founded and preserved by acts of aggression, characterized by a continuing 
tradition of self-righteous violence against suspected subversion and by a 
vigorous sense of personal freedom, usually involving the widespread 
possession of firearms, the United States has evidenced a unique 
tolerance for homicide.
>-David Brion Davis
>Homicide in American Fiction 1798-1860
The Trayvon Martin story is not going to go away. It was a narrative event 
waiting to happen, and the story only gets richer with meaning as time 
goes on. There are the obvious racial aspects, but the most important 
elements are about police power versus citizen power — and who can get 
away with shooting whom?
Since the police and the various paralegal and wannabe versions of police are 
the first-line of contact between individuals and The State the 
incident’s outcome is important in the struggle between citizens’ rights and 
state power.
So far, the police and a flawed criminal justice system are winning most of the 
The Supreme Court just ruled five to four that police departments and jail 
officials have the right to strip search anyone once the person is 
ensconced in their clutches. These five male robed eminences agreed it 
was just fine for a police officer to make you stand in a room 
buck-naked, lift your nut sack, bend over and spread your cheeks. The 
officer doesn’t need a reason, other than having you in his control. 
It’s an elitist ruling ripe for abuse.
Then there’s the realm of cameras versus guns and handcuffs. The other day 
Boston cops arrested a TV news crew for filming outside a hospital, 
something TV crews do all the time when a news story ends in an 
emergency room. The cop told the photographers he had the power to 
overrule their First Amendment rights. The cop was wrong; while he 
certainly had the muscle power, he did not have the legal power.
In another case, two kids are videotaping in the parking lot of a Houston 
Walmart and a cop tells them to stop because he thought he was in the 
shot. He was. The kid with the camera correctly tells the cop that he 
has the right to videotape police officers. The cop becomes hysterical 
and threatens to taser him if he doesn’t stop.
I worked for years as a professional photographer, so I’m sensitive to 
this. I read about cops stopping photographers all the time. The fact 
that all police departments know very well that the law says a citizen 
has the right to photograph a cop doing his or her public job doesn’t 
seem to matter. Why? Because muscle seems to trump brains when it comes 
to bad police behavior.
An amazing incident occurred last November in a public housing unit in 
White Plains, NY. A 68-year-old Vietnam veteran’s medical alert device 
goes off by mistake while he’s sleeping and police respond to his home. 
OK so far. But when he tells them it was a mistake and he’s all right 
and that they should leave so he can go back to bed, their crime-buster 
imaginations and adrenaline glands go to work overtime and they bash 
down his door and ultimately shoot him dead standing in his boxer 
shorts. Next, the story comes out in the press as the cops forced to 
shoot a knife-wielding maniac.
The case has belatedly gotten national legs due to the Trayvon Martin incident 
the fact the medical alert company’s audio recording device recorded the whole 
incident, including an officer hollering, “I don’t give a fuck, 
nigger, open the door!” This, of course, may suggest why some officers 
are so sensitive to being recorded. It’s called accountability.
What’s going on here? And why do so many police officers seem reluctant to 
question and re-evaluate their initial hyperventilated and paranoid 
assessments of a situation?
Of course, it needs to be said here that most cops are good people working a 
hard and often thankless job. We need good cops. The problem is a 
powerful handful whose bad behavior is too often condoned or overlooked. As our 
courts drift to the right, they unfortunately tend to empower 
the bad apples, as in the go-ahead to strip search, a power begging to 
be abused as a tool of humiliation.
What if Trayvon Had Been Armed?
There appears only two ways that young Trayvon Martin could have behaved to 
effect a different outcome than the one where he ended up shot dead by a 
nine-millimeter pistol.
One, he could have passively complied with everything in wannabe cop George 
Zimmerman’s fertile, paranoid imagination. He could have been 
circumspect and understood Zimmerman’s fears and dropped to the ground 
in a spread eagle pose to reassure Zimmerman he wasn’t a danger.
Or, two, he could have been armed himself or been able to wrestle 
Zimmerman’s weapon from him. But then if Martin had shot Zimmerman dead 
would the teenage Martin have been covered by the Stand Your Ground law 
that is protecting Zimmerman? Would Martin have been handled so 
cordially by the Sanford police? All this while it’s indisputable 
Trayvon had an open-and-shut case for fear of bodily harm or death.
Many African Americans aware of Jim Crow history in America might 
characterize the first scenario as the “good nigger” response, as in, 
“Sorry I scared you, boss. Please don’t shoot me!” The latter, 
accordingly, might be called the “bad nigger” response.
MSNBC has reported that professional analysis of the 9/11 tapes reveals 
George Zimmerman muttering under his breath the words “fuckin’ coon” as 
he is following Martin. Those analyzing the “Help!” cry heard on the 
tape during the tussle just before the gunshot are reportedly “99 
percent certain” the voice was Trayvon Martin’s and not Zimmerman’s. The fact 
Zimmerman and his father, a magistrate judge, claimed it was 
Zimmerman’s voice suggests desperation and fabrication.
The fact Zimmerman was not jailed and no forensic murder investigation was 
undertaken is damning for the Sanford criminal justice system. It seems 
to find nothing wrong with an armed 28-year-old man stalking a 
17-year-old kid to the point of killing the child. The final insult is 
an NRA-sponsored law that says the 28-year-old can declare self-defense 
because the 17-year-old kid had the audacity to fight back.
It seems incredible this can happen in 2012.
It’s more frightening when you consider the historical parallels with the 
rise of post Civil War Jim Crow laws, which spread like wildfire. Once 
one state enacted such a law, other states were encouraged to enact 
their own, even harsher, versions. Soon enough, criminal justice systems in 
much of the land had effectively turned their backs on African 
Americans. The law became the enemy. And as author Davis points out in 
the epigram above, it was a history with “a unique tolerance for 
Michelle Alexander writes about this kind of parallel eloquently in her 
book, The New Jim Crow. “In an era of colorblindness, it is no longer socially 
permissible to 
use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion 
and social contempt,” she writes. “So we don’t. Rather than rely on 
race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color 
‘criminals’ and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left 
I work in the Philadelphia prison teaching writing, and from what I see 
it’s hard to dispute the existential fact of what Alexander argues. 
Meanwhile, people like George Zimmerman are extended the benefit of the 
doubt; we’re asked to understand the stresses they live with, how hard 
it is to be a cop or a wannabe cop — all important elements of 
“justice,” but not evenly distributed.
Alexander’s “new Jim Crow” is the first cousin of the great American 
institution of selective enforcement noted for the incredible amount of laws on 
books and uneven enforcement. Some citizens find themselves caught in a 
demographic that is liberally arrested and charged to the max, where the 
operable word is not mitigation but demonization based on societal 
fears and the possibly unrecognized, but deep-seated racial prejudices 
of a ruling majority. Cops seem to be especially susceptible to this 
kind of thing.
Guns and Politics
I own an H&K nine-millimeter automatic pistol, a gun I bought and 
practice with largely out of principle. My principle is a bit different 
than the usual Second Amendment NRA nutcase. As a vocal, left-leaning 
writer/activist, I decided to buy a gun because it seemed important to 
me that the political right not have a monopoly on gun ownership. In the epic 
battle of the amendments, being a leftist I feel the First trumps 
the Second. The right I fear tends to see it the other way: The Second 
trumps the First.
So I’m more afraid of reactionary, lunatic rightists than I am of African 
American kids walking in my neighborhood. I would not articulate this 
fear, except that the Trayvon Martin story is heartbreaking and really 
disturbs me. I’m a 64-year-old white man who has had interracial 
relationships, and I know interracial kids. So I’m serious when I say, 
echoing President Obama, Trayvon could be my son.
It needs to be asked, exactly who are these right-wing, NRA-spawned Stand 
Your Ground laws meant to protect and who are they meant to control? Who is it 
the forces of rightist reaction fear? And how much of it is a 
factor of race and class?
The Black Panthers were famous for appearing with guns in a sixties version of 
Stand Your Ground. Why, in this case, is it so different when blacks arm 
themselves? The same goes for marginalized leftists? What 
difference should politics make when it comes to standing one’s ground 
or defending one’s life? Well, we all know the answer: Government and 
the Justice System favor certain political persuasions.
We’re told by the responsible, smart people in our culture — rightfully so — 
that our politics have become too polarized. We need to listen to others 
better. As a leftist, I’ll concede that the left does have things to 
answer for in this regard.
But there’s one major difference, a real imbalance that is rarely 
discussed. And that is that the right is willfully armed to the teeth 
and now pushing laws about liberalizing the use of their beloved 
weaponry — as the peace-loving left tends to advocate non-violence. The 
fact the criminal justice system from the Supreme Court down to the cops in 
community squad cars seem to instinctually lean to the right only 
makes the matter more frightening for someone on the left.
As a photographer, when I see video of a cop threatening to Taser a kid 
for videotaping him, a chill runs up my spine that I know must be a 
familiar feeling in dictatorships throughout history and across the 
world. In my view, the five robed eminences in the Supreme Court who 
think a scenario of me being strip searched for photographing a cop is 
just fine are no different than the robed Ayatollahs in Iran who make 
the same kind of on-high rulings in their culture.
Which leads to the obvious final question: At what point does standing your 
ground in a mode of self-defense against elements of the criminal 
justice system become existentially acceptable? That is, are police 
officers (or their wannabe cousins) so completely above the law that 
fighting back is never an acceptable response to a violation of a 
citizen’s rights or dignity?
Hoosier Justice
Interestingly, in Indiana the state Supreme Court, the legislature and the 
governor of recently debated the question in the open. The case involves a 
argument that took place on a front lawn; when the police arrived the 
husband refused them entry into his house. They forced their way in and 
he fought them. The Supreme Court rejected his arguments that he had the right 
to fight them because they had no search warrant.
Under assault from libertarians like Bob Barr, the legislature came up with 
a new law that Republican Governor Mitch Daniel recently signed. Police 
supporters are up in arms and claim the law declares open season on cops.
Time will tell what the Indiana law really means. The important point is, 
political forces in Indiana are questioning the absolute power of 
police. And that’s progress.
JOHN GRANT is a founding member of ThisCantBeHappening!, the new independent 
Project Censored Award-winning online alternative newspaper.

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