US-Condoned Cancer of 
Torture Continues to Spread in Latin America, Including Mexico 
By Mark Karlin

The husband of Jennifer Harbury was tortured to death, over a two year 
period, by the Guatemalan military with the full knowledge of the CIA. 
(Photo: Mark Karlin)
Jennifer Harbury Married an Armed Populist Leader, Who Was Tortured and 
Executed in Guatemala With CIA Involvement
By academic pedigree and personal background, Jennifer Harbury should be among 
the ruling elite in the US. She is a graduate of Cornell and 
Harvard Law School, in fact receiving her law degree from Harvard just a few 
years before Barack Obama. Instead of following the path of most of her 
classmates to money and power, she became a legal aid attorney in 
As part of her interest in human rights, she traveled to Guatemala in the early 
'90s to write a book, "Bridge to Courage: Life Stories of 
Guatemalan Compañeros & Compañeras." It was at that time she met, 
fell in love with and married Everardo (Efraín Bámaca Velásquez), who 
was a commandante in the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity Front. 
He was fighting against the US-backed military and government, which was 
committing genocide against the indigenous population and the poor 
(ending in more than 200,000 dead - and countless more tortured, but 
In 1992, Everardo was captured by the Guatemalan military. Harbury 
demanded to know the whereabouts of her husband and held a hunger strike in 
front of the Clinton White House, which was covered by the media and made into 
a national story by "60 Minutes." Harbury's request was 
simple: she wanted the State Department or CIA to tell her what had 
happened to her husband. But both agencies didn't acknowledge they knew 
of his whereabouts.
In an interview with Truthout, Harbury recounted:
After a year of trying to find out what had really happened to him, a young 
prisoner escaped from the army torture program and reported that 
Everardo was alive and being severely tortured. After my third hunger 
strike to save his life, in March 1995, then New Jersey Senator 
Toricelli disclosed that official US documents indicated that he had 
been killed by Guatemalan officers on the CIA payroll.
>After receiving many files at last through the FOIA [Freedom of 
Information Act], it became clear that the State Department and the CIA 
had known where Everardo was and that he was in the hands of our own CIA 
liaisons or assets, since the week of his capture. They also knew 
approximately 300 other secret prisoners of war were suffering the same 
fate. The files show that all these prisoners were tortured to death, 
thrown down wells, out of helicopters, etc., yet the truth was only 
revealed to us in 1995. By then all were dead. We could have saved them.
Harbury's Husband Was Kept in a Body Cast to Make His Torture Easier
In fact, Everardo, Harbury discovered, was kept in a body cast to 
keep him constrained while he was tortured for more than two years 
before being executed, all the time with the full knowledge and likely 
operational involvement of the CIA.
And then there is, of course, the legacy of the infamous School of the Americas 
(now renamed the euphemistic Western Hemisphere Institute for Security 
Cooperation: WHINSEC). It has been accused of teaching torture, which 
was confirmed in a US government admission during the Clinton 
administration. Although now, under its new WHINSEC name, it claims to 
no longer offer such instruction.
Of the School of the Americas, Harbury told BuzzFlash in a 2005 interview:
Very simply, the School of the Americas is a US military institution 
that has given training and education to high-level military officials 
from across Latin America for 40 years now. The students who they have 
trained and educated, in huge numbers, turned out to have been the worst human 
rights violators in the Western Hemisphere, bar none. We're 
talking about high-level people under Pinochet. We're talking about 
eight to twelve of my husband's torturers. We're talking about people 
involved in massacre upon massacre within El Salvador, including people 
that were highly implicated in the murder of Monsignor Romero and the 
Maryknoll church women, etc. 
The Current President of Guatemala Was Trained at the School of the Americas
The current president of Guatemala, Otto Fernando Pérez Molina, was 
trained at the School of the Americas and is accused of helping to 
oversee the Guatemalan military genocide and torture. Pérez was head of 
the Guatemalan military intelligence at the time of Everardo's capture, 
and Harbury has sought to have him charged with human rights' 
violations. There is also the allegation that Pérez participated in 1998 in the 
planning of the assassination of a Guatemalan bishop, who 
campaigned for human rights accountability.
Harbury points out that US agents are often reported, by survivors, 
of being in the torture chambers, outed by their American accents in 
Spanish or by their speaking in English. This was the case of Sister Dianna 
Ortiz, who was abducted in Guatemala in 1989 for speaking out on behalf of the 
poor. She was gang raped, forced to kill another prisoner with a knife, used as 
a human ash tray and was the subject of further barbaric acts 
of torture. Ortiz also recalls an American serving as a consultant while she 
was being tortured.
Torture, Killing and Disappearance in the Southern Cone Countries in the '80s
During the period of military dictatorships in the Southern Cone 
nations of South America, the US - particularly under Reagan - supported 
regimes such as Argentina and Chile, which had the two highest numbers 
of disappeared individuals, tortured dissenters and those killed. More 
than 30,000 were disappeared in Argentina by the military, tortured and 
presumed killed (some of them dropped alive - while drugged - from 
planes and helicopters into the Rio De La Plata between Argentina and 
Uruguay, bound with weights on their legs).
In Chile where a minimum of 3,000 disappeared (los desaparecidos), 
the "National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture Report," 
in 2004, confirmed a minimum of 35,000 tortured in Chile after the 
Allende overthrow, which some critics of the commission argue is a 
low-ball estimate.
During the period of the US-backed Operation Condor, figures 
conforming to the UN definition of torture put the number as high as 
300,000 or more tortured in the Southern Cone nations overall, under the brutal 
military regimes of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, 
among other nations that carried out gestapo-like torture and 
elimination of persons deemed a threat to the state.
In a recent commentary in Truthout, Noam Chomsky wrote:
Thus in the "Cambridge History of the Cold War," John Coatsworth 
recalls that from 1960 to "the Soviet collapse in 1990, the numbers of 
political prisoners, torture victims and executions of nonviolent 
political dissenters in Latin America vastly exceeded those in the 
Soviet Union and its East European satellites."... These crimes, 
substantially traceable to U.S. intervention, didn't inspire a 
human-rights crusade [from the US government].
How Does This Background on US-Backed Torture and Murder in Latin America Fit 
in With Mexico? 
Perhaps, part of understanding torture going on now in Mexico is what Sister 
Ortiz wrote about her horrific ordeal in Guatemala: "So often it is assumed 
that torture is conducted for the purpose of gaining 
information. It is much more often intended to threaten populations into 
silence and submission. What I was to endure was a message, a warning 
to others - not to oppose, to remain silent and to yield to power 
without question."
Only in Mexico, the issue is rather more complex because torture is 
used by the cartels, the police, the military and death squads. That is 
not wild speculation. The US State Department confirmed it in its 2011 "Bureau 
of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 
for 2011" for Mexico: 
Security forces reportedly engaged in unlawful killings, forced disappearances 
and instances of physical abuse and torture.
>The following problems also were reported during the year by the 
country's National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) and other sources: 
kidnappings; physical abuse; poor, overcrowded prison conditions; 
arbitrary arrest and detention; corruption and lack of transparency that 
engendered impunity within the judicial system; and confessions coerced through 
torture. Societal problems included: killings of women; 
domestic violence; threats and violence against journalists and social 
media users, leading to self-censorship in some cases; trafficking in 
persons; social and economic discrimination against some members of the 
indigenous population; and child labor.
>Despite some arrests for corruption, widespread impunity for human 
rights abuses by officials remained a problem in both civilian and 
military jurisdictions....
>There were multiple reports of forced disappearances by the army, navy and 
>SEDENA [which oversees the Army and the Air Force] was the government entity 
>with the greatest number of human rights complaints (1,695) 
filed against it during the year.
In Mexico, killings, torture and disappearances are not fully 
reflected in statistics provided by the government for a variety of 
reasons, including a poor reporting system; but, moreover, the lack of 
trust many Mexican citizens have in the police and the military, which 
are often seen as equally threatening - particularly to the poor, the 
indigenous population, Central Americans passing through Mexico and the 
so-called "undesirable" class.
Not detailed in the State Department report are daily examples of the common 
use of torture by the police to coerce false confessions, obtain extra money 
for stopping the torture, being paid off to arrest and 
torture someone by a person with a vendetta, torturing someone at the 
behest of a drug lord who pays for the service etc.
Occasionally an American Gets Caught in the Torture Trap in Mexico
Occasionally, an American gets caught in the torture trap. The El Paso Times 
just recently reported: 
El Pasoan Kevin Huckabee, whose son Shohn Huckabee, was tortured by 
Mexican authorities after his arrest in 2009 in Juárez on suspicion of 
drug-trafficking, said the [State Department] report reinforced some of 
his suspicions about why no U.S. or Mexican official has addressed his 
son's torture complaint.
>"I am concerned that the State Department is capable of reporting on 
the issues of government involvement, yet continue pursuing a 
relationship with the security forces that are known to be involved in 
human rights abuses of the highest order," Huckabee said. "I do not 
believe that the economic value in Mexico to the United States is worth 
looking past the awful array of human rights violations." 
But look away, the US government does.
Segments of the Mexican Military, Police and Government Are Involved With 
Torture and Killing
What the US State Department doesn't report is that segments of the 
Mexican military and police, as well as the government, have a 
longstanding, shifting relationship with the drug cartels, sometimes 
fighting them, but often working with one or another of the cartels in 
exchange for payoffs. This would be difficult for the US to admit due to 
domestic political considerations, but the national government, the CIA and the 
US military have a longstanding tolerance (despite the deadly 
alleged anti-drug war) of tolerating drug corruption in Latin American 
governments as long as those in power don't interfere with US trade 
relations, military dominance or become too populist.
Land reform, for instance, is a trigger that gets the US State 
Department, CIA and many elected officials in DC very unnerved. Land 
reform efforts led to the CIA overthrow of a democratically elected 
government in Guatemala in 1954, and more recently, to supporting the 
Honduran coup against a democratically elected president who supported 
modest land reform.
The Mexican Government's War of Social Cleansing
That may be why the US has done little to stop what appears to be 
"social cleansing" (limpieza social) carried out by the Mexican 
military, police and government-sanctioned death squads at times. A 2010 
article in El Universal explained (in translation): 
In the early 1990s, the lawyer Miguel Angel García Leyva and other 
citizens formed the Sinaloa Front Against Impunity. For 10 years, they 
gathered evidence on the activities of "death squads, causing thousands 
of kidnappings and killings in the state." These groups were made up of 
police or military personnel.
>"The participation of these squads is known publicly not only in 
Sinaloa, but throughout the country," he says. "They operate dressed in 
official uniforms, driving patrol cars and with weapons, badges and keys just 
like the forces of the state."...
>To confirm this, he cites an investigation conducted between May 2008 and May 
>2010 along the highways in northwestern Mexico. They produced 
video, photographs and written reports on police and military 
checkpoints in Nayarit, Sinaloa, Sonora and Baja California. "The 
results astounded us, most of the checkpoints are not only points of 
extortion, but places to identify and locate people to disappear, 
assassinate or commit other acts against them," says Garcia.
The El Universal article argued that much of the killing in Mexico is not just 
due to the complicated and shifting alliances in the so-called war on drugs, 
but rather also to the "elimination" of "undesirables" by the government.
Javier Sicilia, whose peace campaign in Mexico was the subject of the fifth 
Truthout on the Mexican border installment recently reinforced the notion that 
the killing of innocents is being carried out by both the military and the drug 
cartels, not to mention the police:
Question: Do you consider the people coming to the US, from Mexico or from 
other parts of Latin America, refugees because they are fleeing 
this violence?
>Javier Sicilia: ...Central American people who have to cross Mexican 
territory to come to the US are being disappeared by the army or the 
organized crime. Either way, it looks like social cleansing. In every 
sense, in every way, this war against drugs is inhuman.
Torture in Mexico Is an Epidemic
Torture pervades Mexican governmental and criminal forces and, for 
civilians, the lines between law enforcement and criminals is too murky 
to navigate. If harmed, it is most often better just to be quiet. After 
all, who wants to be tortured for knowing something he or she shouldn't 
know and all the time not knowing if the police officer or soldier to 
whom you are reporting torture or threats is working on behalf of the 
person who tortured you? Or perhaps it was the military or police who 
did the torturing.
As Jennifer Harbury noted in 2005 when BuzzFlash interviewed her, 
torture "spirals out of control hugely. And because someone under 
torture will say anything to stop the pain, very often completely 
innocent bystanders are picked up because they're incorrectly named by 
persons who are in excruciating pain. Also, you cannot stop a government force 
or army force. Once it starts torturing, that also spirals out of control."
Such is the case in Mexico.
A CIA Latin America Section Chief Makes His Argument for "Ugly" Collateral 
Given that the CIA and countless US intelligence agencies, not to 
mention the Drug Enforcement Agency, are entrenched in Mexico, it might 
be appropriate to reflect that our real government/corporate interest in the 
nation is as a marketplace and a non-populist pro-US government.
In a 2007 documentary, "The War on Democracy," by British, leftist, political 
commentator John Pilger, he explores the exploitative and deadly anti-democracy 
efforts to ensure that Latin 
America stays in the hands of the ruling classes and open to American 
business and the extraction of natural resources south of our border.
Toward the end of a recounting of the US backing of juntas and 
keeping tin horn dictators on a short leash, Pilger interviewed Duane 
Claridge, CIA chief for Latin America from 1981 to 1984 - during a high 
point of the Central American and Southern Cone nations' reign of terror and 
death. In a remarkably pugnacious and blunt series of responses, 
Claridge vociferously asserted that he didn't give a hoot about whether a 
country was a democracy. All that mattered was whether or not the Latin 
American nation was an obstacle to the "national security interest" of 
the US, although he didn't define that term.
Here are some excerpts:
Pilger: Is it then okay to overthrow a democratically-elected government?
>Claridge: It depends upon what your national security interests are.
>Pilger: What right does the CIA and the US government have to do what you do 
>in other countries?
>Claridge: National security. We are going in to protect ourselves. We will 
>intervene whenever we decide it is in our national interest to 
intervene and if you don't like it, lump it. Get used to it world!
It is important to understand that our national interest is perhaps 
often perceived by the US government as preserving our economic status 
through the guarantee of open markets, cheap labor and natural 
resources. To do that, the US condones torture and murder when a 
democracy that represents a populist majority - or an attempt to correct an 
economic imbalance among classes - gets in the way in Latin America.
"Sometimes things have to be changed in an ugly way," CIA Latin 
American Chief Claridge matter-of-factly asserted, citing the war crime 
reign of Pinochet as an example of a man who, Claridge claims, saved his 
country. "Chile wouldn't exist today if it weren't for Pinochet," 
Claridge asserted with conviction.
A country as scarred as Mexico by torture and barbaric killings from 
all directions may take generations to recover. But the healing process 
is not yet possible.
The torture, killing and fear hasn't stopped. It's still spiraling out of 
For now, with government-protected torture and killing - existing 
both separately and intertwined with the narco wars - sections of Mexico look 
more like a Hieronymus Bosch painting of hell than a civilized 
democracy that we claim to be promoting.
There may be internal cultural and political foundations for torture 
and gruesome murders in each country in turmoil south of the border, but the US 
is also responsible, since torture is a major export of this 
nation to Latin America.

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