Iran War Weekly
June 10, 2012

Hello All –  The third round of negotiations about  Iran’s nuclear program 
– between Iran and the “P5+1” (the five permanent  members of the UN 
Security Council, plus Germany) – is scheduled to resume in  Moscow on June 
18-19. The apparent  success of the first meeting in Istanbul was followed by 
failure of the  second meeting (in Baghdad) to produce even the most 
minimal agreement. While the United States and the EU – and the  mainstream 
media –
 blamed Iran for the failure of the Baghdad negotiations, many  observers 
felt that the responsibility for failure lay with the inflexible US  
negotiating position, which failed to offer Iran any incentives for  

Will the Round  Three in Moscow be any different? So far  there is no 
indication that the United States/EU will change its bargaining  position. 
Perhaps they are counting on  the implementation of further  sanctions – 
for June 28 by the United States and July 1 by the EU  – to force Iran to 
make concessions. Iran  has given no indication that this will happen.

In parallel  with the Baghdad talks, there appeared to be an agreement 
between the IAEA and  Iran over the terms of inspections to be carried out at 
Iran’s military base at Parchin (near  Tehran). On the basis of dubious 
evidence  (see below), the IAEA is claiming that Iran may have conducted 
weapons  work at Parchin a decade ago, and wants to inspect the site. This 
complex story appeared to be on the cusp  of resolution, but now this seems to 
be not the case.

In short, the  forthcoming negotiations in Moscow are likely to be 
encumbered by no interim  progress in negotiating positions, the breakdown of 
about inspecting  Parchin, and of course further revelations last week about 
the Obama  administration’s cyberwarfare  against Iran during the last 
round of negotiations with Iran in  2009-10.

Adding to  tension will be the situation in Syria, moving even more clearly 
toward civil  war, and with growing pressure on the Obama administration 
for some kind of  military intervention. As noted below,  the demands by the 
United States and the EU that Iran be excluded from any  mediation efforts 
underscores the connection between the conflict in Syria and  the US/Israeli 
regime-change efforts against Iran.

Finally, I  very much appreciate the help that many of you have given in 
distributing the Iran War Weekly and/or  linking it on websites. David Swanson 
has  kindly given me blog space on his site “War Is a Crime,” and so you 
can read  previous “issues” of the IWW at 
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you would like to receive the IWW 
mailings,  please send me an email at _fbrodhead@aol.com_ 
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Best wishes,
Frank Brodhead
Concerned Families of Westchester  (NY)

Last week the  venerable Arms Control Association’s  annual meeting 
included a very informative panel of experts who reviewed the  
standoff re: Iran’s nuclear program. The ACA’s over-riding concern is 
reflected in  the panel’s title,”Prevention of Nuclear Armed Iran.” For a good 
introduction to the Iran nuclear  issue, check out the video of this conference 
panel at _ 
( .

One of the speakers at the ACA panel  was Iran’s former nuclear  
negotiator, Hossein  Mousavian. His proposal for resolving the  20 percent 
issue is described in an article from the ACA linked  below; further below 
are two comments on Mousavian’s new memoir of his work on  Iran’s nuclear 
program negotiations, which appears to contain much interesting  material.

More voices were raised against military intervention this  week. One came 
from a think-tank close to  the Obama administration. Another came in  a 
statement from a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, an  
important regional grouping centered on Russia and China, but increasing  
incorporating Central Asian nations in an economic (and potentially military)  
alliance. (The SCO is important re: Iran;  check out the basic Wiki info at 
( .) 

Finally, there  is a confusing (at least in the media) despite over the Iran
’s request for an “experts” meeting and  the US/EU refusal. This may be 
simply a  problem with translation/nomenclature, in that the US/EU wants 
discussions only  at the political level, essentially demanding that Iran make 
commitment in  principle to the demands the US/EU put on the table in 
Baghdad, and not delay  negotiations with details. 

Issues for  Negotiation
US Mulls Seeking Broader Deal In  Nuclear Talks With Iran
By Laura Rozen, Al-Monitor [June 7,  2012]
---- The Obama  administration is considering putting forward a broader 
proposal to Iran, rather  than the more incremental one presented at a meeting 
last month in Baghdad. The current Obama administration discussion  revives 
a debate that took place among US officials much of last year about  whether 
to propose a big or more incremental offer to Iran. Senior policy  
officials at the Defense Department are said to have favored offering a bigger  
to Iran, accompanied by a military threat were it not accepted. They were  
countered by officials, mostly at the State Department, who argued that 
there  was such a lack of trust or diplomatic contact between the West and Iran 
that it  was more prudent to first propose a smaller confidence-building 
measure. The  group that argued for an incremental approach prevailed as talks 
resumed in  Istanbul in April. 

Iran, rebuffed in request for  experts meeting, may seek delay in Moscow 
By Laura Rozen, AI-Monitor [June 7,  2012]
---- Iran’s  top nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili on Wednesday wrote 
European Union foreign  policy chief Catherine Ashton complaining that she had 
rebuffed Iran’s request  for an experts meeting ahead of a new round of nuclear 
talks scheduled for  Moscow June 18-19th, Iran’s IRNA news agency reports. 
The letter is the latest  sign of trouble for the diplomatic process and 
added to signs Iran may be  seeking to delay the meeting. Jalili’s letter “said 
that the EU failure to  arrange experts meeting led by deputies of the 
negotiators to draft agenda of  the talks created an atmosphere of doubt and 
ambiguity for success of the Moscow  talks,” IRNA wrote. 

Ex-Iranian Envoy Mousavian Suggests  Zero Stockpile of 20% Uranium
By  Kelsey Davenport and Greg Thielmann, Arms Control Now [June  6, 2012]
---- With the  next round of nuclear talks in danger of bogging down over 
Iran’s right to  continue enriching uranium, Mousavian’s suggestion warrants 
a closer look as a  potential interim compromise for the P5+1 (China, 
France, Russia, the United  Kingdom, the United States, and Germany) and 
Speaking on June 4 at the  Arms Control Association’s annual meeting, 
Mousavian put forth a proposal for  the June 18-19 Moscow talks that focused on 
a “
zero stockpile” approach for  Iran’s uranium enriched to 20 percent. While 
this proposal falls far short of  solving all of the outstanding 
international concerns over Iran’s nuclear  program, it does have some 
features as an interim step. 

Don’t Attack  Iran
Attacking Iran Likely  Counter-Productive, Think Tank Warns
By Jim Lobe,  Inter Press Service [June 6,  2012]
---- While a nuclear-armed Iran would pose  significant new challenges to 
the United States and Israel, a military attack by  either country to prevent 
Tehran from developing a weapon could well prove  counter-productive, 
according to a major new report released here Wednesday by a  think tank close 
the administration of President Barack Obama. And  while preventive 
military action should remain on the table, it should only be  considered if 
"has made a clear move toward weaponization", and there is a  "reasonable 
expectation" that such a strike would set back Iran's programme  
"significantly", among other conditions, according to the 55-page report by the 
for a New American Security (CNAS). The CNAS report is only the latest in a 
series  of studies and analyses that have warned against a preventive attack 
on Iran,  particularly by Israel. _ 

Also useful – Jeffrey Goldberg, “New Report  Finds an Israeli Attack on 
Iran to be a Comprehensively Bad Idea” The Atlantic [June 6,  2012] 

Shanghai Cooperation Organization [SCO]  Opposes Use of Force against Iran
By  Agence France Presse [June 7, 2012]
---- "Any  attempts to solve the Iranian problem with force are 
unacceptable and could lead  to unpredictable circumstances that threaten 
stability and 
security in the  region and the entire world," said the statement signed at 
the end of a Shanghai  Cooperation Organization summit that was attended by 
Iran's leader. The statement expressed "serious concern about  the 
situation around Iran", which is an observer nation to the security  
that groups together China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan,  Uzbekistan and 

The beauty of  the “Parchin Issue” is that it is very complex and 
essentially bogus. It is an example of what Ed Herman and Noam  Chomsky called 
 in their analysis of the US mainstream media (Manufacturing Consent). “Flak
” serves to  divert attention from the main issue to a complex, preferably 
very scary  non-issue. In this case, allegations that  
nuclear-weapons-related tests were conducted at an Iranian military base,  
Parchin, in 2000 are 
basically sourced to “documents” on a look-what-I-found  laptop computer. 
Skeptics about the  Parchin story claim that the laptop “documents” were 
created by Israeli  intelligence and brought to US attention via the Iranian 
exile (and terrorist)  organization MEK. Be that as it may, the  main point is 
that the United States refuses to show these “documents” to Iran,  which 
claims that they are fabrications. Thus the IAEA demand that Iran “come clean”
 on Parchin is fundamentally  flawed. During the tenure of IAEA  director 
El Baradei, the Parchin claim was viewed skeptically; but under the  present 
director Amano (shown in the WikiLeaks cables to be anxious to serve US  
interests), the Parchin laptop documents are treated as genuine.

The IAEA  demand to inspect the Parchin site is now met with two 
counter-demands from  Iran: that it be shown the documents that underlie the 
belief that nuclear  tests were conducted at Parchin; and that the IAEA present 
a structured plan of inspection, so  that that the Parch issue can be 
terminated as an issue in the  negotiations. It is clear that Amano has  so far 
refused to meet these two conditions; I am puzzled as to how he could  
construe earlier discussions with Iran so as to assure the world three weeks 
that a deal was in hand; was this a misunderstanding, a willful misstatement, 
 being very devious, etc.?

An outstanding  exception to the media flak about the Parchin issue has 
been the work of Gareth  Porter. In a series of articles, Porter  has proposed 
that Iran is using the West’s self-induced obsession with Parchin  to 
promise access to the military base in exchange for concessions on the more  
fundamental elements of Iran’s nuclear program, e.g. sanctions. Porter’s latest 
contribution to this line of  thought is very interesting, and linked below.

But first, the  mainstream media story of IAEA demands and Iran’s mostly 
negative  reply.

U.N. Nuclear Chief Announces New  Talks With Iran
By Rick  Gladstone, New York Times [June 4,  2012]
---- The top  United Nations nuclear official announced new talks with 
  on Monday aimed at gaining access to  
restricted sites, and he expressed concern about satellite images taken last  
month that showed the Iranians had demolished buildings at one site that  
inspectors have been especially pressing to visit. The remarks, by Yukiya 
 the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, based in 
Vienna,  suggested that his announcement less than two weeks ago that Iran 
had basically  agreed to allow access to agency inspectors may have been 
premature. The  Iranians have pointed out that evidence of _nuclear weapons_ 
ne=nyt-classifier)  testing is practically  impossible to hide from 
inspectors, who have data collecting techniques that can  find traces of 
radioactive particles dating back many years. Iran has  also suggested that 
before allowing any inspection at Parchin, it wants to see  the documents used 
by the atomic agency as the basis for its suspicions. 

Also useful – Jason Ditz, “IAEA Chief: Iran  Might Be Cleaning Up From 
Rumored 2003 Nuclear Tests,” [June 4, 2012] 
 ;  Fredrik Dahl, “U.N. 
watchdog to press Iran for access in atom probe,” Reuters [June 7, 2012] 
 ;  and Joby Warrick, “Nuclear Watchdog: Talks with Iranon 
Nuclear Access Have  Stalled,” Washington Post [June 8,  2012] 

Changes at Parchin Suggest an  Iranian Bargaining Ploy
By Gareth  Porter, Inter Press Service [June 9,  2012]
---- The  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Western governments 
acted this  week to escalate their accusations that Iran has "sanitized" a 
site at its  Parchin military complex to hide evidence of nuclear weapons 
work, showing  satellite images of physical changes at the site to IAEA member 
delegations. The  nature of the changes depicted in the images and the 
circumstances surrounding  them suggest, however, that Iran made them to gain 
leverage in its negotiations  with the IAEA rather than to hide past nuclear 

More U.S. waivers to Iran sanctions  likely next week
By Simon Webb  and Timothy Gardner, Reuters [June 7,  2012]
---- The  United States will announce a new list of countries that will 
receive exceptions  to financial sanctions on oil trade with Iran as soon as 
early next week, a  government official said on Thursday. Not all of Iran's 
oil buyers are likely to  get the waivers, said the source, who declined to 
elaborate. Around two thirds  of Iran's crude exports flow to Asia, where the 
biggest buyers are China, Japan,  India and South Korea. The United States 
granted Japan an exception in March and  has signaled it has had good talks 
with South Korea about reducing oil  purchases. Refiners in South Korea will 
switch to other sources on July 1,  industry sources have said. But the U.S. 
may withhold waivers for China and  Singapore, according to an advocate of 
tougher sanctions on Iran, stepping up  pressure on Iran's biggest crude oil 
buyer and a major destination for its fuel  oil exports. 

Threats and Sanctions: The Achilles'  Heel of a Potential Atom Accord
By Reza Nasri,  PBS [June 4, 2012]
---- Constant  threats of military action, paired with harsh economic 
sanctions, are admittedly  meant to coerce Iran into concluding an agreement 
the P5+1 on its nuclear  program. Covert operations, such as the 
assassination of top Iranian scientists  and the spate of massive cyberattacks 
have targeted the country's civilian  energy sector, also seem to be part of a 
broader policy whose aim is to diminish  Iran's position at the negotiation 
table. But sadly, it seems that public  opinion has been so deeply affected 
by the sensationalism and the false sense of  urgency that surround this 
"policy" that even attentive observers often fail to  see its serious legal 
and moral defects. Pundits and politicians have been  speaking of these 
"plausible" threats and "crippling" measures so often and so  unscrupulously 
one tends to forget that employing such coercive tactics  against a 
negotiating party is not only ethically questionable but has also its  own 
ramifications. Indeed, from the lens of modern international law, an  agreement 
that is obtained through coercion is generally considered invalid.  

Simultaneous with his appearance at  the Arms Control Association 
conference (above), Iran’s Seyed Hossein  Mousavian’s new book was published. 
Mousavian led Iran’s nuclear negotiating team in 2004-2005, during the  Bush 
administration; he was dismissed from office after the election of  Ahmadinejad 
in 2005, and has for several years been a “scholar in residence” at  
Princeton. A long-time associate of  Iran’s “pragmatic” former president 
Rafsanjani,  Mousavian is a frequent commentator on Aljazeera, etc. about the 
current nuclear  negotiations. He is obviously still in  the loop about what
’s going on, though I do not know whether his policy  suggestions (such as 
at the Arms Control conference) reflect policy  possibilities from within 
the current Iranian government. Both of the essays  below, commenting on his 
new book, give us insight into the longer-term issues  and context of Iran’s 
nuclear program.

U.S. Rejected 2005 Iranian Offer  Ensuring No Nuclear Weapons
By Gareth  Porter, Inter Press Service [June 5,  2012]
---- France and Germany were prepared in spring  2005 to negotiate on an 
Iranian proposal to convert all of its enriched uranium  to fuel rods, making 
it impossible to use it for nuclear weapons, but Britain  vetoed the deal at 
the insistence of the United States, according to a new  account by a 
former top Iranian nuclear negotiator. Seyed Hossein  Mousavian, who had led 
Iran's nuclear negotiating team in 2004 and 2005, makes  it clear that the 
reason that offer was rejected was that the George W. Bush  administration 
refused to countenance any Iranian enrichment capability,  regardless of the 
circumstances. The British and U.S. refusal to pursue the  Iranian offer, which 
might have headed off the political diplomatic crisis over  the Iranian 
nuclear programme since then, is confirmed by a former British  diplomat who 
participated in the talks and former European ambassadors to Iran.  

Also useful – Barbara Slavin, “Former Iranian  Negotiator Faults His 
Nation's Nuclear Diplomacy,” Al-Monitor [June 6, 2012] 

The shocking  massacres of civilians reported this week are producing a 
media and pundit  climate that makes it difficult for a re-election-year 
President Obama to resist  calls for direct US military  intervention in Syria. 
the same  time, as the essays linked below indicate, it is hard to see how 
military  intervention – whether unilateral or led by the UN Security 
Council – could do  other than make a terrible situation worse.

Among the troubling questions not adequately  discussed by the US media 
this week: 1)  Either directly or through the Gulf Arab countries, the United 
States is  supporting weapons deliveries to the  internal armed resistance 
that escalate the conflict toward civil war; 2)  Reports in European media 
have raised questions about the responsibility for some of the civilian  
massacres and the (sectarian) identity of the victims. We are reminded of the 
examples of Kosovo,  Libya, etc. where rebels had an incentive to create or 
exaggerate civilian  casualties in order to encourage outside military 
intervention; 3) The prompt  rejection by the US/EU of Annan’s  proposal to 
Iran in mediation or “contact” activities underscores  the anti-Iranian 
elements of US/EU stances on the Syrian conflict (more on this  in the essays 
linked below); and 4) As the essay by Giorgio Cafiero (below)  spells out in 
detail, once again US strategy in the region has as an essential  component 
strengthening the forces of  Islamic radicalism, in this case the Muslim 
Brotherhood in Syria. 

Syria and the Rise of the Death  Squad
By Juan Cole,  Informed Comment [June 7,  2012]
---- The fresh  Baath massacre of non-combatants, in Qubair on Wednesday, 
is being assiduously  covered up by the government of dictator Bashar 
al-Assad, who is preventing UN  observers from visiting the scene of the crime. 
Observers trying to reach it  have even been shot at. 

What About Talking to Iran About  Syria?
By Tony Karon, Time [June 4,  2012]
---- None of  the foreign powers engaged in Syria’s civil war is acting out 
of selfless  righteousness: Russia is protecting its geopolitical interests 
in Syria and the  wider region. Iran also sees Syria and Lebanon as key to 
its own security  because of the leverage its allies in those countries give 
Tehran in its  confrontation with Israel and the West. Saudi support for 
the Syrian armed  rebellion is not based on some improbable democratic 
epiphany; instead the  authoritarian monarchy in Riyadh backs Syria’s 
opposition as 
a way of weakening  its long-term regional rival, Iran—and vice versa. 
Restoring peace to Syria will  require some managing of the regional strategic 
rivalry that threatens to burn  out of control. 

Also useful – Jason Ditz, “West Scorns UN Call  to Work With Iran on Syria 
Crisis,” [June 8, 2012] 
 ;  and 
Alia Brahimi and George Joffe, “The Dilemma for Syria’s Neighbors,” 
Aljazeera [February 28, 2012] 

In Syria, Foreign Intervention Will  Only Shed More Blood
By Seumas  Milne, The Guardian [UK] [Jusne 5,  2012]
---- The  reality is that intervention in Syria by the US and its allies 
has already  begun. The western powers have backed the fractious opposition 
Syrian National  Council since the early days of last year's uprising. So have 
the Gulf  autocracies led by Saudi Arabia, who have stepped up the flow of 
weapons and  cash to favoured Syrian rebel groups in recent months, while 
Turkey has provided  a cross-border base. That is co-ordinated with the US, 
which supplies the same  groups with "non-lethal assistance" and 
"communications equipment". In other  words, the US and its allies are 
sponsoring regime 
change through civil war. 

Also useful – Joshua Landis, “Foreign  Intervention to Topple Bashar 
al-Assad's Bloody Regime Risks a Fiasco,” Syria Comment [June 5, 2012] 
nts=yes&page=full_ (
t_of_syria?print=yes&hidecomments=yes&page=full) ;  Tony Karon, “Why the 
U.S. Won’t Give Up on Kofi Annan’s Syria Plan,” Time [June 7, 2012] 

Syria: America vs.  Israel?
By Giorgio  Cafiero, Foreign Policy in Focus [June 4, 2012]
---- The  United States and other powers have used the Syrian Muslim 
Brotherhood as a  proxy to topple the Syrian Ba’athist regime, which has 
for almost half  a century. Washington’s two primary interests in Syria are 
to strengthen the  Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) vis-à-vis Iran and to 
undermine Russia’s power  and influence in the Middle East and Mediterranean. 
Israel shares the U.S.  interest in cutting off Iran and Russia’s reach into 
the Levant. However,  security considerations surrounding the unknown 
variables of a post-Assad Syria  appear to have created a divide between U.S. 
Israeli strategies, as the  Netanyahu government has not followed Obama’s 
course on Syria. The Israeli  concerns surrounding the collapse of Syria’s Ba’
athist party are legitimate.  Washington should also consider the security 
consequences of Assad’s ouster and  avoid intervention in Syria. 

Iran Ratchets Up Tensions over Gulf  Islands 
By Ted Wynne,  Iran Primer [June 6, 2012]
----  Longstanding tensions between Iran and its Arab neighbors are 
intensifying  because of rival territorial claims over three strategic islands 
the Persian  Gulf--Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb. Three 
high-profile visits since  mid-April—by President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, 
Commander Mohammad  Jafari, and a parliamentary delegation—provoked anger and 
anxiety among the six  neighboring sheikhdoms in the Gulf Cooperation 
Council (GCC). 

Last week’s New York Times’ “scoop” on the US  “cyberwar” attack on Iran 
(Stuxnet) raises questions of even greater importance  than their likely 
role in further poisoning the negotiating atmosphere in the  forthcoming talks 
in Moscow (and beyond). Ironically, the Republican/media outcry about the 
Times’ stories is not about the insanity  of launching cyberwarfare into the 
world, but about the self-serving “leaks”  from the Obama administration, 
allegedly putting the President in a good light  by showing him to be 
unafraid to use quasi-military force. As one of the essays linked below notes, 
Stuxnet decision may be analogous to the failure of the Acheson-Lilienthal  
report of 1945, which led to the nuclear weapons arms race.

Cyberweapons: Bold steps in a  digital darkness?
By R. Scott Kemp, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists [June  7, 2012]
---- The  United States rushed into the nuclear age eager to cement its 
technical  superiority, disregarding warnings of key statesmen and scientists 
that a  decades-long nuclear arms race would ensue. Before they go too far, 
policymakers  should consider the implications -- both intended and 
unintended -- of  cyberweapons. Though Israel and the United States may have 
resources to  support sophisticated and creative cyberweapons programs, it is 
worth  remembering that such advantage could be its disadvantage: Each new 
cyberattack  becomes a template for other nations -- or sub-national actors -- 
looking for  ideas. As nations begin to develop cyberwarfare organizations, 
they run the risk  of creating bureaucratic entities, which will protect 
offensive cyber  capabilities that simultaneously subject their own publics to 
cyber  vulnerabilities. Since the United States has the most to lose in 
this area, the  safe approach is to direct cyber research at purely defensive 

Stuxnet Unbound: Security for the  One Percent
By Bill  Blunden, Counterpunch [June 8,  2012]
---- After its  initial discovery in 2010 by a little-known antivirus 
vendor from Belarus, the  culprit behind the Stuxnet computer worm has been 
revealed. Last week, based on  information leaked by inside sources, an article 
in the New York Times reported  that the United States and Israel had 
secretly embarked on a joint project  (code-named Olympic Games) which 
the malware we know as Stuxnet.  Despite the ruckus that members of the 
establishment make in public about  foreign hackers (e.g. warning that China is 
a “
threat to world order”), the U.S.  is admittedly one of the most active 
players in this field. While coverage in  the press may adopt a seemingly 
congratulatory tone, there are reasons why this  is an unsettling state of 
affairs. _ 

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