Read Bradley's Statement to the Court. 

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 <> Bradley Manning Support Network

Bradley Manning Explains His Actions: 

It Was An Act of Conscience! 


Bradley Manning was concerned about US actions abroad. 


 In a powerful statement read by US Army PFC Bradley Manning in court last 
week, he took full responsibility (and credit) for releasing documents that 
exposed war crimes, torture and other grim realities of US foreign policies to 
the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks. Bradley explained to the court, and the 
world, that, “I believed that if the general public, especially the American 
public, had access to the information... it could spark a domestic debate on 
the role of the military and our foreign policy in general as it related to 
Iraq and Afghanistan."

Bradley detailed the depravity he saw in the 'Collateral Murder' video: - the abuses previously unknown to 
Americans in the Iraq and Afghan war logs, and the corrupt backroom dealings in 
the State Department cables. It wasn't only the indiscriminate slaughter of 
civilians, and the US soldiers' ‘bloodlust’, that concerned him. Bradley had 
also been ordered by a supervisor to aid Iraqi police in capturing people that 
he knew were innocent to be tortured and killed. 

“I knew that if I continued to assist the Baghdad Federal Police in identifying 
the political opponents of Prime Minister al-Maliki, those people would be 
arrested and in the custody of the Special Unit of the Baghdad Federal Police 
and very likely tortured and not seen again for a very long time – if ever,” 
read Bradley, as part of his 10,000-word statement.

It was a stirring and history-making defense of whistle-blowing and government 
transparency. Yet, Bradley also deliberately chose documents he was sure 
wouldn't incur harm to the US. Instead, he chose documents that would expose 
abuses and inform the public, undercutting the Government's absurd contention 
that he "aided the enemy."

Bradley’s attorney David Coombs later explained that, “PFC Manning did not 
plead guilty pursuant to a "plea bargain" or "plea deal" with the Government. 
Despite his plea, the Government has indicated it will prosecute PFC Manning on 
the remaining charges.” So Bradley will still face life in prison during the 
June 3rd military court martial, but he’ll be able to defend his heroic actions 
in court, effectively putting our wars and over-classification systems on trial.

 Read Bradley's statement. 

Day of Action June 1st at Fort Meade and Worldwide


 Demonstrating in support of Bradley. Join us June 1, 2013. 

 Join us at Fort Meade Saturday, June 1, 2013—a couple days before Bradley’s 
months-long court martial begins. This International Day of Action is organized 
by the Bradley Manning Support Network, Veterans for Peace, Courage to Resist, 
and many more organizations. This will be a historic day in one of the most 
important trials of American history. We need YOU there to help us send a 
strong message to the military officials and the White House—that this this 
young man, who believed so strongly in American ideals that he risked 
everything, deserves freedom now.

Contact our organizer Emma Cape:  if you are interested 
in helping organize a bus from your city to Fort Meade for June 1st, or if you 
can’t make it to Fort Meade, and are interested in organizing a solidarity 
event in your own community.



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of Bradley's Legal Fees!  
<> Donate today.

 <> Click here to see the 
“Collateral Murder” video:



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