I'm not going into the details of this particular case because I know
there's a long history regarding some of the vendors on this list. All I'm
going to say is that most lists that I've belonged to say that it is okay to
endorse a product or book (= "I really like this brand of thread!") but not
okay to advertise ("I have the following items for sale and here are the
prices and descriptions"). The main reason is practical: on lists that allow
self-advertisement, the volume tends to get way out of hand and most people
do not have the bandwidth to download and scroll through dozens of
advertisements every day.

Think for a moment about how many vendors are on this list. 10? 20? Now
imagine if every one of them wanted to post a single weekly message, plus
special announcements, clearout sales, and new stock. Some vendors would
restrict themselves to a single restrained message but others could easily
post several times a week if they so choose. And what about "advertising
days" on lists? In my experience that has been a joke--the ads start about
24 hours before the designated day and continue for about 36 hours after the
designated day, which is a bit excessive, even allowing for time zone

Another problem is that once you open a list to advertising, it's very
difficult to close the floodgates or to regulate who will be allowed to post
ads. The grey area is vendors who sell not only lace supplies but other
things as well. If vendor X is allowed to advertise his Binche books, why
not his basket-weaving books? Also, you can bet that if word got around that
this list allowed advertising, we'd soon see cross-stitch, quilting,
knitting, crochet, and scrapbooking ads. There are so many vendors out there
that it's not feasible to screen them so that only lace-related
advertisements are permitted.

The request that vendors restrict themselves to a discrete sig or offer to
put people on a private mailing list, as Vivienne has done recently, is a
very practical one. It allows people to find vendors on the list and it
keeps the commercial traffic to a manageable level. This practise was in
place before I joined Arachne and it's one I've followed on all the lists
I've moderated.

Arachne moderator

----- Original Message -----
From: "etherege" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Toni Hawryluk'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'lace-chat'"
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 2:58 AM
Subject: RE: [lace-chat] Vivienne/ Biggins

> Excuse me - "don't like it ?"
> My understanding is that
> *advertising is prohibited* ??
> but an *URL* *under* the
> sig-line is OK . . . I don't
> watch TV because of the
> commercials - I *usually*
> do *not* read Biggins
> e-mails for the same reason . . .

The odd thing being that if one of us would like to "advertise" -- that is,
advise of the existance of a product, we like it, who sells it, etc., --
that is ok.  A rule is a rule, I guess, but this isn't something we "voted"
on and there is quite a diversity of preference and interpretation, if you
ask me.

Case in point, discussion of books by a particular author, where to buy, or
... announcement of offerings of workshops -- could be construed as

We can hit the delete key, we can scroll by real fast, but in the end what
this list is about is the sharing of information.  One person's announcement
might be another's advertisement ...

**not** a Biggins customer, don't read the emails much, in favor of maximum
latitude for information sharing
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