Clay writes 
> So now I'm glad to be free to pursue some of the great
> titles suggested on this list!  I bought a copy of  Brown's
> "The Da Vinci Code", even though I've read very mixed
> reviews...  It still seems to be "right up my alley".

Recently finished this, Clay, I had to read the lot (I will just
stop reading if a book doesn't grab me) but then gave it to
my DIL and told her to keep it as it's not the sort of book
I want to keep and re-read.

Like "The Eight" by Kathrine someone-or-other - if she said
one more time "little did I know" I was going to scream, but
it was a good, fast moving plot, plenty of colour.

Favourites - lots, right from The Annotated Alice and The
Annotated Snark ( Gardiner's edition of Lewis Carrol with
LOTS of annotations) to Umberto Eco - Name of the Rose
and Foucalt's Pendulum.  

"The Eighth day" by Thornton Wilder.
"Van Loon's Lives"

Just finished re-reading "How Green Was my Valley" recently.

"The Shipping News"    "Miss Smila's Feeling for Snow (?spelling -
on loan to DIL at the moment. only person I lend books too now)

Just bought a hard cover collection of Graham Green at a book
sale for $6 Aust.    "Lifeline" here (do you have that overseas?)
has a travelling second hand booksale set up, tours the country
with assistance from Rotary with really cheap second hand books.
I spent more than I should have on their visit to Cooma last 

Noelene, wondering if the pain of my face after dental treatment 
is better or worse than the toothache before!
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