Gentle Spiders,

Recently, a new word appeared on my horizon: mugwump

I've never heard/seen it before, so asked my "source" for explanation and she said it was something that her grandma (from N.C) used. According to her, a "mugwump" was a person who was undecided, "sitting on a fence"; the "mug" (face) being on one side of it, and the "wump" (rump) on the other. She supposed it might have been a Southern expression...

I loved it (being a Libra, I'm a Platonic *ideal* of a "mugwump" thus understood <g>), but thought to consult a dictionary. It (American Heritage, 1969 edition) had this to say:

"mugwump" n, 1) Often capital M. A Republican who bolted his party in 1884, refusing to support James. G. Blaine as candidate for the U.S. presidency (so, who won??? <g>). 2) Any person who acts independently, especially in politics. [Natick "mugquomp", "mugwomp", "captain"] - mugwumpery n.

I wrote my "source" back with the discovery, and she got intrigued enough to start checking. Her DH (Maryland, Eastern Shore) interpreted the word exactly as she did. But then *she* checked a dictionary:

Well, now....isn't *that* interesting?! I just did a web dictionary (Merriam
Webster) search (never occurred to me that such a word would even be in the
dictionary!) and came up with:

Main Entry: mug·wump
Pronunciation: 'm&g-"w&mp
Function: noun
Etymology: obsolete slang mugwump kingpin, from Massachuset mugquomp,
muggumquomp war leader
Date: 1884
1 : a bolter from the Republican party in 1884
2 : an independent in politics

I don't know who "Naticks" (in "my" definition) are/were (though assume an Indian tribe) but this doesn't even point to *The South* at all... Curioser and curioser... :)

So, now, we *both* are keen to know...

1) Are you familiar with the word (and how/from whom did you learn it)?
2) What does it mean to *you*?
3) Where are you in the US (or, where did your source come from)?

----- Tamara P Duvall mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Lexington, Virginia, USA Formerly of Warsaw, Poland To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line: unsubscribe lace-chat [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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