It was announced on yesterday morning's news programme that there would be an 
item about mosquitoes at 8.50am.  Accordingly I set my video recorder and got 
round to watching it this evening.  Unfortunately the tape began in the 
middle of the interview but the interviewee essentially said that if you are 
attractive to mosquitoes use repellant :-)  It is something in your perspiration 
which is attractive to them and so if you have a lot of the particular chemical 
in your perspiration altering your diet won't help.  I kept the tape on till 
the end and an email message was read out.  It came from a man who had suffered 
froma vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia, I think)  and didn't get 
bitten.  When he started receiving injections for it he became attractive to 
mossies and got bitten.

I know this is a long time after our original discussion but I thought those 
concerned would be interested.  it did confirm my experience  -  only 
repellant works to prevent bites.

Patricia in Wales
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