Ah, now if you want to see mosquitoes, you have to go to Northern Canada :)
There's many tales of how inattentive runway crews have attempted to refuel
a mosquito before they realise it's not an aircraft :)  DH and I once made a
three week canoe trip in DH's stomping grounds of northern Manitoba..it just
happened to be a time when they had the worst outbreak of mosquitoes in 17
yrs.   The first day we made 25 miles.  We just had to keep paddling to
avoid the mozzies.  We had three portages the first day that were  over a
mile long, they were pretty exciting, we couldn't move fast enough.  Then
there were the blackfly. Oh, and it was also a record year for leeches..I
thought they were eels until DH informed me otherwise :(  Sharon.. on sunny
Vancouver Island

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