Hello and thank you to my Secret Pal for such a wonderful and lovely

But we were oh so disappointed at not meeting with your friend Claryce
Manchester who so very kindly delivered the gorgeous chocolates to our hotel
in Las Vegas.

We had a call from the bell desk to say that there was a delivery for us -
which really took us by surprise, but because of a slight mix up we didn't
get the message until the next day which was why I didn't call Claryce's
daughter until the following afternoon. Your lovely gift really brightened
our day as did Alice's call.

Briefly we had been up and ready for our coach pick up at 6.50am for our
trip to the Grand Canyon, the driver threw us off the coach because we were
not on his list despite agreeing that all our paper work was in order, it
was highly embarrassing and very distressing as I had confirmed our booking
with the tour company only the previous afternoon. The next 3 - 4 hours were
spent trying to sort out the problem as no other trips were available. The
coach company had put down the wrong date, for four days earlier. As we were
leaving Las Vegas we had resigned ourselves to not getting to see the canyon
and were feeling pretty sick about it all, especially as Papillon the
helicopter operator were still expecting us! to cut a long story short, by
11.30 Papillon got back to us and said that they had been able to arrange
something for us, they would fly us out to the grand canyon from Las Vegas
(at their expense) so we could make our trip. We couldn't believe what we
were hearing, but Papillon were absolutely brilliant.

To date the manager of Showtime Tours (who messed up the trip) has not
accepted any of our repeated telephone calls and has not responded to our
letter of complaint at their shoddy behaviour. They have made no apology and
their attitude was basically tough ****.

We were also dealing with a problem with our hire car at the same time too.
The air conditioning packed up and the firms 24 hour roadside assitance
didn't materialise, in fact they wanted us to detour 200miles to them! So we
were faced with driving through Death Valley and on to Las Vegas with no air
conditioning, the temperature was averaging 115F. We made it, we survived
the journey, but we literally fried - people we spoke to were absolutely
horrified when we told them about the journey.  We had gallons of water on
board which we desperately needed, but it didn't stay cool for long as it
reached cup of coffee/tea temperature very very quickly. We finally got the
car replaced in Santa Barbara (another long story) having had to also make
the journey across the Mojove Dessert too! We covered almost a 1000 miles
without air conditioning!

So as you see we had a rather interesting stay in Las Vegas, but thank you
again for being a brilliant Secret Pal and as Clint would sort of say
"making our day".

Nicky back home in Suffolk

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