Dearest Spiders,

Apologies for not responding to everyone personally -- I'm still under siege with visitors, and free time is rationed in unpredictable blocks. But I do want to thank everyone who took the time and responded to my plea for freaky cookie recipes; between the recipes y'all sent and URLs with some more, Sara ought to have enough cookies to make her teeth rot <g>

I *knew* y'all would come up trumps, as usual, and Elizabeth (Sara's Mom) was *very* impressed (she should learn lacemaking, no? <g>) She'd tried to search the website via the allergies route and came up empty -- there are too many and too varied. Now she'll be able to bake and bake and bake... :)

Again, many, many thanks to everyone; you're the best.

PS They brought their bird -- a cockatiel -- with them (that and a lizard are the pets Sara can tolerate without wheezing. The lizard doesn't have to be fed daily, so it stayed home by itself). Sid (that's the bird's name) has his favourite shoulders to perch on when out of the cage. When I saw them all whistling and making kissy noises at him, I started whistling too (all I can do now in the way of music, my singing voice being gone from cigarettes). Amazingly, as soon as I started whistling *tunes* (none of the others do), it relocated itself to my shoulder -- the better to hear you m'dear :) It seems to prefer Bach and Haydn and Mozart to folk or popular tunes; the latter he tolerates; the earlier make him tweet dfor more whenever I stop :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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