At 01:08 PM 9/29/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>Didn't they have hoops under their skirts (in the US) from about the
>very late 1850's to about mid to late 1860's?  The Antebellum period?
>(Scarlet's dresses during the Civil War era?)  Seems like they may have
>been a couple of years earlier in Europe, as it might have taken some
>time for fashions to cross the atlantic.


While I was gone, DH downloaded my messages, and noticed the hoop questions.
He says that if you type 'hoops, history of' on the internet search, you get
several pages with interesting information on hoops.  I haven't had time to
try it, but some of you might like to.

Alice in Oregon - Home from a nice weekend camping, but have the sniffles.
Oregon Country Lacemakers          
Arachne Secret Pal Administrator          
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