Fireworks are on sale to the public two weeks before 5th November (Guy
Fawkes Night) and two weeks before New Year's Eve. Fireworks on New Year's
Eve have only been happening since the millennium. Organised displays can
take place at any time of year - in Poole it's every Thursday evening on the
quay or the beach throughout the summer for the tourists, plus anything
other excuse they can think of.

In recent years the big display fireworks have been on sale to the public
for 5th November and New Year, and air bombs (extremely loud) in particular
are what the morons are buying and letting off at any time of the night in
any place they choose. There's no legislation to stop them so for the last
week and a bit my dog has been quivering, and our sleep has been interrupted
several times during the night almost every night.

My older brother was a high-up civil servant, and had a brief to cut down on
injuries from fireworks. The "Firework Code" that's posted in shops was
written by him. He was asked to draft a bill for parliament to help cut down
on injuries, but of all his suggestions, he was told that the only one that
stood any chance of being passed was the weakest - that organisers of
firework displays should be trained to use them safely by the suppliers of
the fireworks. Anything that restricted the use or sale wouldn't stand a
chance. When a bill goes before parliament it's debated and there's a set
time for the debate. If an MP chooses to talk for the whole of the time
allocated for the debate and there isn't time for a vote, then the bill goes
in the trash can. This is what happened - at least one MP had been lobbied
by the firework importers (firewors aren't made in the UK) to talk the bill
out because it would cost them money to train people and therefore cut down
their profits.

The problem of fireworks has become such that there is a bill coming soon,
but how strong it will be, we don't know yet. There are already rules
governing the storage of fireworks, but a few weeks ago three and a half
tons of them, which are of course just explosives, were found in a lock-up
garage in Bournemouth. The Thursday night display in Poole uses just less
than one ton each week. So far the owner hasn't been traced.

Jean in Poole

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