On Tuesday, Nov 18, 2003, at 02:36 US/Eastern, ysandra sliverneedle wrote:

I am looking for a copy of the 3 volume book set called "Nuw Modelbuch". Is is
lace patterns from 1561, and from the look of the name perhaps German. I
thought is has been republished by Unicorn Books, but have been unable to
locate that company. I had copied down an ISBN number but have no luck with
using that either.
The ISBN was 3-258-0310-1.

I bet what you have in mind is:

Claire Burkhard: "Faszinierende Kloppeln/R.M. Nuw Modelbuch - Allerley Gattungen Dantelschnur ". Bern (CH) & Stuttgart (D), 1986, 2 Bande (120+48 S)+ Mappe mit 40 Kloppelbriefen, Schuber. Text deutch, englisch, franzosisch.

Since it's "all kinds and types of braid lace" and in 2 volumes plus a portfolio of 40 prickings. The above is a direct quote from the Fay catalogue, from the "Renaissance Pattern Books" section. Unfortunately, the last time I have seen it listed in her catalogue was in 2000; the later catalogues no longer offer it (in fact, the whole section, which consisted of 3 books, has disappeared).

The publishers are listed as being in Switzerland and in Germany (there must have been two editions); I've not heard of it being re-published by Unicorn (which, I think, is -- or used to be -- an American firm. I used to get their catalogues, but not in the past 10 yrs or so). Don't know who, if anyone, on the N. American continent carried it (and might still have a copy). Perhaps other Arachneans will direct you to some URLS for books -- I think Abe books has been mentioned before? -- I'm too 'puter illiterate to go web-roaming; you might be able to get a second-hand copy somewhere...

Good luck,
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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