At 10:07 PM 11/21/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>I know there are varied interests in this group.   I am looking for the 
>Modern Priscilla,  probably December '02 or '03 for my brother and 
>SIL.  This issue has an elaborate Christmas dinner by Fannie Merritt Farmer 
>that they used to use, till it got lost somewhere in their moves. 

It's in the December 1906 issue.
The Christmas Dinner
By Fannie Merritt Farmer

Clam Consomme
Fillets of halibut a la creole
Apple Giner
Creamed turnips
Breslin Patties
English Plum Pudding, hard sauce
Christmas cake
Salted pecans
Pulled bread
Stuffed Roast Goose
Potato Forms with cheese
Tomato baskets with peas
Vanilla ice cread with orange marmalade
Cafe Noir

Then some of the recipes are listed.

I'll make you a copy.

Alice in Oregon -  Deluges of rain and much wind, and maybe snow.
Oregon Country Lacemakers          
Arachne Secret Pal Administrator          
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