On Saturday, Nov 22, 2003, at 23:39 US/Eastern, Ruth Budge wrote:

Liz, I have a great long list of things that I'd *love* to be able to receive
as email attachments

Be careful what you wish for... :)

At first, we had telegraph (in Poland, it was called "telegram"), and it sent short messages -- more or less correctly -- across vast spaces very fast, and it was good. I remember there being a "telex"; it was something my journalist friends used, and it worked even better, being a PO in your newsroom (you didn't have to wait till the "mobility challenged" postman brought it to you a few hours later). Then there was the *fax* -- that little sucker could send *pictures* as well as text... Very good, indeed, though expensive if you didn't have one of your own and had to use an "outside service" (not all that cheap if you *do* have one of your own, either).

Then e-mail came -- a communications equivalent of the 60ties sexual revolution... It was better still (text, pics, colour), but had even more "bugs" (your puter won't talk to my puter)... I often think how nice it would be to send -- fast -- actual, physical, objects via e-mail (or equivalent)...

And then I remember the problems PO has sending those via the old and well-tried routes... And the problems the Internet method has sending/receiving text/pics, depending on your software... And, for all I'm not a fan of sci-fi, I will never forget a story I once read where a scientist does a physical "transport" (space and time) and, due to a bug (for real <g>) ends up at the other end with a man's body and a fly's head (one can't help but wonder how the *fly* coped with a man's head... Squish? <g>)

Chances are, I'd send you a done-to-a-turn roast potato (as per request) today, and you'd get a sprouting turnip next week :)

Yours, in a Libra mode as usual,
We've had 3 consecutive *glorious* days (room temps and sunny). I was able to diagram (and smoke) outside, and am pleased with the progress (though not, necessarily, with the piece <g>). But it's supposed to rain again tomorrow...
And, so far, my personal "Inbox" today had 26 messages; *all of them* were junk mail (spam), with not a single one a propos of anything other than a thick-rhymingword, Prozac/Viagra alternatives, and mortgages (no Russian or Oriental brides today -- a real disappointment <g>)... Which added up to nearly 300KB. Given that I have a limit (albeit generous) on incoming mail, and given that my DH won't touch my Mac to clean up the junk (and might not be here *to* clean it -- he's making noises about joining me for my next European trip), I'm beginning to think that it would be better to save my money next summer and *not* go to OIDFA/Prague and Poland as I'd planned; even if I unsubscribe from the lace and the chat, 6 weeks of crap in my private box will surely choke it to death...

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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