And it is not just income tax which has increased.  Council tax has increased 
by more than the rate of inflation each year for the last several years.  I 
think mine has nearly doubled in the years since I retired but of course my 
pension hasn't doubled in the same time :-(   Many pensioners are finding it next 
to impossible to meet increased council taxes.  We wouldn't mind quite as 
much if our various taxes gave us improved services in health, education,  public 
transport, policing etc but they don't.  

On top of that there have been great increases in indirect taxation - petrol 
has been mentioned, cigarettes and alcohol have also been hit and there are 
more.  the rationale behind petrol taxes is they will force us onto public 
transport but efficient, clean and safe transport systems are not in place.  
Without my car I couldn't attend lace classes (one hour's drive away), lace days 
(either half an hour or three quartes of ha hour away) and many other things.  
And all the indirest taxation hits those on the lowest incomes hardest.  Farm 
labourers, for example, are poorly paid and yet must have a car as many of them 
live in areas with no public transportion in place.  

Patricia in Wales

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