I gave up when I was getting 70-80 porn type spams a day and changed my
email. I have several addresses I use but it was surprisingly easy to change
my main address and let people know. Since then (with an email address
without part of a 'name' in it) I have had hardly any spam at all. This is
even with using it on websites and internet shopping.
We have had to block our house phone from phoning mobiles since our last
bill. DD2 was calling her friends - only for a few seconds each time (when
she was out of credit on her mobile) but the accrued total of minimum call
charges was frightening. She has paid me back! As we are on broadband I'm
glad to hear we don't have to face the dial out problem. The bill for last
month has just dropped through the door and I am mightily relieved to see
what it is!
Meanwhile I'm enjoying the peace of the first day on my own since all
returned to school, college, work etc! As all the rest are school term based
I've had them around making a mess on my days off so it's been hard to keep
up the housework etc. Never mind back to the next load of laundry while
there is sun to dry it in!

in sunny for once Baldock
 Lynne Cumming
 Baldock, North Herts, UK
 "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."

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