I've got your note about your Gran,
You've put me to the test!
I've spent some time researching this,
And the news is not the best.

It can cause a family deep distress
When their Granny goes "off line",
And hasn't fed her pussy cat
And it's nearly supper time.

She hasn't even left a note,
And it isn't any fun,
When her pussy cat is pining,
And her crossword's still not done.

So with lots of trepidation,
I made a call to young Bill Gates,
To tap into his knowledge base,
And what he speculates.

But Bill Gates' ready answers
Somehow didn't seem to gel,
So I thought I'd better check up
With the CIA as well.

So I bribed and probed and bribed some more,
And I'm sorry to relate,
There's been a massive cover-up -
The biggest one to date!

Now it's hush-hush, but it's rumoured
That the Yanks are working hard in
Systemic Cyber Sabotage,
Designed to kill Bin Ladin.

When he taps in certain code words,
I've been told that he will face,
An interminable existence,
Exiled in cyber space.

So perhaps there is a danger,
For those who wish to bake,
And enter on the search machine,
Code words like "Afghan Cake".

So I'm sorry 'bout your Granny,
And the cat that isn't fed,
And I'm sorry that the crossword's
Not complete in time for bed.

So until they get Bin Ladin,
And it hasn't happened yet,
Unless you want to join your Gran,
Go carefully on the net.

Maurice D.

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